Fear and Loathing - Out of stock

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Fear and Loathing - Out of stock

Aug 7, 2022, 12:05 pm

I was surprised to see this already out of stock with no low stock warnings, or evidence that FS will reprint it. I had put it on a wish list to purchase with other books at a later date given the high shipping fees. Given the recent reprints, I'm hopeful we'll see it reprinted soon.

Aug 7, 2022, 12:49 pm

I am, frankly, quite surprised at the popularity of this title, though I will readily admit that the edition looks to be quite well done.

Aug 7, 2022, 1:03 pm

>1 icewindraider:

Surprising. Same exact scenario for me. Put it off due to shipping fees. Most likely back within a year or two.

Aug 7, 2022, 1:27 pm

This is the only one I picked up from the summer collection and it is quite nice. Really thick paper.

I would imagine the "out of stock" is only temporary but I haven't been doing this as long as some of you. Is there a precedent for an SE going out of print this quickly and staying out of print?

Aug 7, 2022, 2:01 pm

Either strangely small print run or incredibly popular. It's a really great production at their now "low end" cost wise and I'm glad I got mine. Hopefully the demand means a quick reprint otherwise this will be another one with astronomical secondary market price.

Aug 7, 2022, 6:03 pm

Agree with above - looks like a great edition, and what seems to be especially popular in recent times are 'cult classics' - mainly sci-fi and adjacent genres like this. For that reason, it wouldn't surprise me if speculators bought a bunch of them too.

Aug 7, 2022, 6:58 pm

I know a lot of people wouldn't like it, but I would love if Folio leaned into the "cult classics" trend (especially if it's more modern fiction titles outside of the sci-fi and fantasy they are already doing).

Those type of titles don't often get nicer printings like the older classics. It's often very expensive hardcover first printings or cheap more recent softcovers.

Edited: Feb 23, 10:31 am

>7 rsmac: One nice thing about this one is that it is printed in the UK (actually Wales). Yeh !

Not my usual type of reading but I did get a copy and was *really* impressed with the production and found the little I have read so far quite amusing. Now actually one of my favourites!

I would think "Out of Stock" simply means that more are on the way fairly soon otherwise it would be "Sold Out" ?

Aug 8, 2022, 6:54 am

Given the recent spate of reprints, the fact that this is indeed a modern classic, and that they seem to be selling like hotcakes, I'd be very surprised if it's not back in stock shortly.

Aug 8, 2022, 9:11 am

And the website now states the book is expected to be back in stock in September.

Feb 23, 9:56 am

I received an FS email regarding 35 illustrator signed copies of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for £150 but when I checked they were all sold out.

Edited: Feb 23, 10:01 am

>11 assemblyman:

Yeah, I got that. There were only 35 copies, though. I wonder how many other "signed" titles Folio have hidden in a cupboard ...

Feb 23, 10:08 am

It might be a case that they intend to do this periodically with different SEs.

Edited: Feb 23, 10:28 pm

I could have purchased a copy as I received the email before the copies were sold out. When I first checked there were 33 available, then 17, then zero. However, although I don’t have the book, and it’s on my to buy list, I struggled to justify a £100 premium just for the illustrator’s signature, although Ralph Steadman might be different. I did think of possible resale in the future but was not sure, in the unlikely event that I decided to sell, that I’d ever recover the £100. I see the rational for buying a LE with additional value in the materials used and the limited print run. I don’t think I feel the same about a signed slip paper glued to the SE when Waterstones regularly sell books, and the actual book itself and not a insert, signed by the author without a premium price.

I also wonder if this is a second or third printing as the book has been out of stock in the past.

Feb 26, 2:05 pm

I fear and loathe when they do this.

Jokes aside, I also think that this may indicate a reprint is coming. They did something similar to The Shining (though I think it was a sweeptstake)