OT: Film series remake of The Neverending Story in the works

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OT: Film series remake of The Neverending Story in the works

Mar 21, 10:44 am

Per Variety:


Couple thoughts from a lifelong fan of the book:

- As I had understood, the biggest roadblock for a new adaptation was Ende's displeasure at the original film (and what followed afterwards). The most surprising thing of the article is the existence of 'Michael Ende Productions' related to Ende's estate. Not anything unsurprising from a writer's estate, but I had thought Ende's case was different and his steadfast wishes

- Biggest priority should be a good adaptation of the second half of the book which is darker than the first and that was butchered by the second movie (which didn't even have the same cast).

- I hope some elements of the original film are kept (i.e. Falkor as a dragon dog may be unfaithful to the book but it's iconic, as well as Limahl's song).

Hopefully this brings more business to Folio, btw. Not that their edition needs further help: I'm sure it's one of their top sellers right now.

Mar 21, 12:37 pm

Interesting. One can hope that they'll do a good job. In this age, series are often really good ways of filming a book, much more so than films.

Mar 21, 12:41 pm

I'd like to see the Jim Henson company involved in the series. I enjoyed the TV prequel to The Dark Crystal and thought it was quite beautiful. I can see them pulling off the look of the fantasy world properly.

Mar 22, 10:45 am

>3 Shadekeep: That makes sense. The original film had Carlo Rambaldi as puppet designer. That's why E.T., Morla the Aged One and the Guild Navigators from the original Dune film all have the same faces. It would be nice to avoid CGI as possible and go for practical effects. Worked wonders for the 1984 film.