Books in your series not sorting properly on Series pages

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Books in your series not sorting properly on Series pages

Apr 18, 10:16 am

For devs:
1. log in as Toeteke
2. go to
3. click the "see them here" (their books in the series) at the top of the page

Bug: Books aren't showing up in series order, but I think they should be, or if by title, sorting properly on the number instead of character?

NB: the titles are sorting as I'd expect in the member's catalog at

Apr 18, 10:23 am

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Edited: Apr 18, 1:36 pm

and for many series, there are blank entries with a number. I think only the staff can fix that. such as Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order. I would love to know how to fix that. This is on the charts and graphs series pages.

Apr 18, 2:09 pm

>3 al.vick: I don't think this is the same issue. Please open a new bug report with specifics for this.

Apr 18, 2:09 pm
