Arnold (disambiguation)

"Arnold" is composed of at least 5 distinct authors, divided by their works.

Author Division

Arnold (6)

Arnold (1)

Works have been aliased into Arnold Lunn.

Roman converts (1924) 6 copies

Arnold (7) : ARNOLD

Works have been aliased into Roger A. Arnold.

TB Macro (2003) 1 copy
TB Micro (2003) 1 copy

Arnold (4)

Works have been aliased into Arnold Arnold.

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
If your book appears on this page, please edit your information to include the author's full name. Your book should then appear on the correct author page. Thank you for your help.
#1 Arnold Lunn
#2 Arnold Schoenberg
#4 Arnold Arnold, b. 1921
#6 Arnold Rapido, the European line of N-scale trains
#7 Roger A. Arnold
#8 Julius Arnold