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(dut) Lucy Daniels is a pseudonym under which several authors have written books for the Animal Ark series and other series created by Ben M. Baglio. Authors who have written as "Lucy Daniels" include Sue Welford, Jenny Oldfield, and Helen Magee. Some of the books published under the name Lucy Daniels in the UK were published under the name Ben M. Baglio in the US.

Lucy Daniels is a pseudonym under which several authors have written books for the Animal Ark series and other series created by Ben M. Baglio. Authors who have written as "Lucy Daniels" include Sue Welford, Jenny Oldfield, and Helen Magee. Some of the books published under the name Lucy Daniels in the UK were published under the name Ben M. Baglio in the US.
Because there are other authors named "Lucy Daniels", do not combine this page with that split author page.

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Ben M. Baglio is currently considered a "single author." If one or more works are by a distinct, homonymous authors, go ahead and split the author.


Ben M. Baglio is composed of 7 names. You can examine and separate out names.

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