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Works by Linda Balliro


Common Knowledge



This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Informative and insightful source for singers everywhere,
celticsouthern | 5 other reviews | Jan 20, 2024 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
In Being a Singer: The Art, Craft, and Science Linda Balliro and Jack Canfield bring together a treasure trove of information and advice on anatomy and hearing and incorporating personal emotions into singing.
As one who often dreamt of singing seriously it is inspiring and at the same time evokes personal regret at not pursuing it. Their stories are inspirational. Exercises explained and examples of fixes will be applied, albeit too late for a career but much like cooking, always something to learn and improve.… (more)
gpsman | 5 other reviews | Jan 15, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
This is a pretty good introduction to becoming a singer. As a latter-day singer, I appreciate her ideas about music and voice. It's somewhat difficult to review a book which is an uncorrected proof and index unfinished. I appreciate knowing that the felt upper and lower ranges in my voice need to be have attention paid to it. I am singing on Zoom, which another beast, which before the pandemic a fairly irrelevant concern.
vpfluke | 5 other reviews | Nov 19, 2020 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
I just finished Being a Singer: The Art, Craft, and Science by Linda Balliro.
I didn't know what to expect, but I'm really glad I requested it.
This is an excellent book. I have only recently started singing (well except in the car) and taking lessons.
I've also worked with a vocal/voice therapist some. Ms Balliro has put together an excellent book! The techniques and drills in the book are many of the same things I've encountered in my lessons, therapy and other sources. All of those, of course, cost much more money. My only negative is I was disappointed that I didn't receive the audio files that will accompany the final version of the book. I will likely purchase a copy when it's released! This book contains excellent exercises and drills to improve your singing and/or maintain it. I heartily recommend this book for anyone who wants to improve their singing.… (more)
Mantra | 5 other reviews | Nov 29, 2019 |

