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Virginia Boecker

Author of The Witch Hunter

11 Works 894 Members 42 Reviews


Works by Virginia Boecker


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I received an e-arc of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book in any way.
When I first read the blurb for The Witch Hunter, I thought I would love this book and I couldn't wait to dive in. Then, I started seeing all the hype surrounding it, and I feared it wouldn't be as good as I was expecting it to be. I just tend to have a bad relationship with really hyped books... So I put it aside. Until now. And wow, did I like this book! Now I've actually finished reading it, I'm kicking myself for leaving it so long. It wasn't a disappointment at all! In fact, it's easily one of the best books I have read this year so far.

Right from the very start, I was immediately drawn into the story. The setting is an alternative 16th-century England where magic has been banned and witches and wizards are now being hunted by witch hunters, and I really enjoyed the way the author dealt with the world building. I could understand how things worked, and even some of the main events that had brought that situation to life without ever feeling like I had just been given a lecture in the history of Anglia. Of course, this is a fantasy novel, so most of the stuff that happens doesn't really make a lot of sense if closely examined, but I did find it easy to suspend disbelief and just go with it. The merit for this definitely goes to the writing. The descriptions weren't too heavy, the narrator wasn't overwhelming and most of the dialogue was really witty and well-constructed.

As for the characters themselves, I ended up really liking all of them. I had some difficulties getting attached to Elizabeth, the main character, initially. But as the story progressed, and she developed as a character developed, I started to feel a stronger connection with her. The growth she undertakes throughout the novel is just great, and I felt like I really saw her develop and mature in front of me. The romance was also really cute. I particularly liked how it developed slowly and didn't take over the whole plot. It was just there, on the sidelines, which is exactly where it should have been. I also liked how each of the secondary characters had a part to play to make sure that things went the way they were supposed to. Of course, not everyone's personalities were incredibly well developed, but I guess that's kind of normal when there are as many characters as there were here. I do hope we'll get to know those under-developed characters better in the sequel.

Overall, this was a really great read and I highly recommend it to everyone! A nicely-paced fantasy with good characters and settings. There were quite a few twists throughout, and even though a few very predictable, it did manage to surprise me a couple of times. Definitely a new favourite series for me!
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bookforthought | 34 other reviews | Nov 7, 2023 |
I became immediately immersed in this world and the problems of the main character, a witch hunter who isn't sure she is where she belongs. A fast, wonderfully creative read.
DebCushman | 34 other reviews | Aug 25, 2022 |
Reseña Completa: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

The Witch Hunter es una libro que siento no agradará a muchos, puedo ver que puntos serán criticados, detalles que en lo personal también me hicieron considerar que quizá este libro no merezca la calificación que le di. Lo curioso es que al mismo tiempo, son esos mismo detalles lo que me hicieron gustar mucho de este libro.

Para empezar tenemos una protagonista que en cierta forma su mundo gira alrededor de su mejor amigo. Sip, un chico. Ahora, mi primer pensamiento, y estoy segura que quizá el tuyo también fue: "Otra que cree que el mundo termina porque un hombre no le hace caso", sé lo que parece, pero no es así. Si has leído Since You've Been Gone (Morgan Matson), puedes tener una idea como la relación de Elizabeth y su amigo es un poco como la de Em y Sloane. Me hizo pensar ¿Por qué está bien cuando es solo entre mujeres y pero cuando sientes que necesitas un amigo (varón) automáticamente eres una necesitada-sin-personalidad? Creo que si bien es algo en lo que yo jamás caería (soy demasiado desinteresada de las personas, la verdad), pero siento que en este caso sí funciona. O sea, literalmente Elizabeth no tiene nadie en el mundo. Y no, la historia no gira en torno a como el tipo este no le hace caso.

Al terminar la historia sientes el avance de Elizabeth y estoy bastante segura, al menos tengo la esperanza que podamos ver mucho más de su desarrollo.

Luego, la segunda cosa que me dejó un poco descuadrada fue que... no sé como decirlo sin que sea spoiler. Solo diré que si bien no es del todo mencionado, es tratado con delicadeza por las personajes que esperaba y es tratado como me esperaba por los otros personajes que no merecen nada. Por una cosa personal, para mí es difícil leer ese tipo de experiencias. Tienen que leer The Witch Hunter para saber de qué hablo u.u

Si leíste mi reseña de Girl On a Wire (y si no le hiciste ¡Hazlo!), te hablé de Character Agency, ese libro era un ejemplo con la protagonista. Me tuvo pensando mucho tiempo como era posible que un personaje secundario pudiera desarrollar Character Agency, es secundario por algo, por lo general no tienen mucho desarrollo. Pero en The Witch Hunter he tenido la oportunidad de verlo en desarrollo, Fifer a mí parecer es una gran ejemplo, uno de mis personajes favoritos, sin duda alguna.

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Ella_Zegarra | 34 other reviews | Jan 18, 2022 |
[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]

Elizabeth has devoted much of her life so far to becoming one of the best witch hunters in the kingdom. She has worked hard and has earned a stellar reputation that has even drawn notice of the king. But in a surprising twist she stands accused of witchcraft and all of that work seems in vain. The accusations are the first clue that things are not at all as they seem in the kingdom, and Elizabeth soon learns the conspiracy runs far deeper than she could have imagined. She is but a single small target in a larger plot that makes an ally of the enemy and turns friend to foe. Elizabeth learns she will have to rely on those she previously worked against if she's going to save the kingdom, even if she might not be able to save herself.

Virginia Boecker has created a unique and engaging fantasy world that made for a fun and interesting read. Elizabeth's journey from hero to purported villain and her quest to save her kingdom, her friends, and her name feels like it could be the start of an epic story. The characters, the plot twists, and the magic of this world all combine to create something that is certainly worth reading.

The ending feels a bit more unresolved than I would have liked, but since this is clearly the beginning of a series, that's likely forgiven in that more resolution will hopefully be given in the next book. I recommend checking this out if you're looking for a new YA fantasy world in which to immerse yourself.
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crtsjffrsn | 34 other reviews | Aug 27, 2021 |



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