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Barbara Boswell (1) (1946–)

Author of Stand-In Bride

For other authors named Barbara Boswell, see the disambiguation page.

Barbara Boswell (1) has been aliased into Betsy Osborne.

57+ Works 988 Members 4 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Barbara Boswell

Works have been aliased into Betsy Osborne.

Stand-In Bride (1996) 47 copies
The Hoodwinked Bride (1999) 41 copies
And Tara, Too (1988) 32 copies
Not a Marrying Man (1987) 32 copies
The Bridal Price (1990) 30 copies
Baby, Baby (1988) 29 copies
Sensuous Perception (1989) 26 copies
Sharing Secrets (1988) 24 copies
Intimate Details (1988) 24 copies
The Baby Track (1991) 23 copies
Family Feud (1994) 23 copies
The Wilde Bunch (1995) 23 copies
The Brennan Baby (1998) 22 copies
Rule Breaker (1990) 21 copies
Little Consequences (1984) 21 copies
The Engagement Party (1995) 21 copies
Ms. Fortune's Man (1989) 20 copies
The Last Brady (1990) 20 copies
Playing Hard to Get (1987) 19 copies
Always, Amber (1986) 19 copies
That Marriageable Man! (1998) 18 copies
Tangles (1987) 18 copies
Whatever it Takes (1986) 18 copies
Another Whirlwind Courtship (1990) 18 copies
Double Trouble (1992) 18 copies
Winning Ways (1996) 17 copies
Triple Treat (1993) 17 copies
Bedside Manners (1986) 17 copies
One Step From Paradise (1989) 17 copies
Simply Irresistible (1989) 16 copies
The Best Revenge (1993) 16 copies
Darling Obstacles (1985) 15 copies
Trouble in Triplicate (1986) 15 copies
All in the Game (2002) 14 copies
Landslide Victory (1985) 14 copies
License to Love (1992) 14 copies
Irresistible You (2000) 14 copies
Wicked Games (1994) 14 copies
Strong Temptation (1991) 13 copies
Private Lessons (1992) 13 copies
Who's the Boss? (1997) 12 copies
Bachelor Doctor (2000) 12 copies
Red Velvet (1995) 11 copies
Forever Flint (1999) 10 copies

Associated Works

Works have been aliased into Betsy Osborne.


Common Knowledge



Eh. It's pretty much fluff - the only thing I really liked was the twist on the usual "great sex=true love" trope. Here the insta-lust (well, instant as soon as they let themselves consider it at all) led to them spending time together and finding out they liked one another, out of bed as well as in. Beyond that it's a pretty standard boss-and-secretary story, with a pretend engagement that of course turns real. Michael Fortune is rabidly anti-marriage, with good reason - his mom is a total gold-digger. Julia is a very competent secretary with a disabled sister - so she really needs the money. Which makes Michael label her along with his mother...yeah, whatever. Oh, one cute thing - Julia is a psychologist (or will be when she can afford to finish college), so she's analyzing Michael and herself throughout - and being very annoyed at herself for falling into the "Women who love men who can't love them back" trap...Not bad fluff, but the characters are pretty interchangeable with any others in this standard plot.… (more)
jjmcgaffey | Oct 5, 2018 |
Twins Kayla and Kristen trade places at a political dinner. The waiters spiked the drinks, and Kayla & Matt get sauced and sleep together. She winds up pregnant, except he thinks it's Kristin that he slept with. Of course, gets straightened out in the end & he marries the right twin.
nancynova | Apr 9, 2015 |
Les soeurs Post, fins cordons bleus, sont à elles trois le traiteur numéro un de la région. Tout marche à merveille jusqu'au jour où l'amour fait irruption dans leur existence. Juliet, prompte à voler au secours de Miranda, qui vient de rompre ses fiançailles avec Grant, se retrouve dans les bras de Kane, le frère de Grant. Mais pour combien de temps ? Les triplées ont-elles la recette du bonheur?
WildWide | Mar 17, 2013 |
Aux pieds de Vanessa Ramsey, jeune beauté richissime à la réputation d'indomptable tigresse, les hommes sont toujours tombés comme des mouches. Jusqu'au jour où son père fait à Lincoln Scott une offre qu'on ne peut refuser et dont elle est... l'enjeu! quelle ne va pas être la fureur de la jeune femme lorsqu'elle l'apprendra, alors qu'elle se voit, pour la première fois de sa vie, fondre dans les bras d'un homme...
WildWide | Mar 17, 2013 |

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