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Urantia Foundation

Author of The Urantia Book

8 Works 547 Members 11 Reviews

About the Author

Disambiguation Notice:

There are no specified authors of the entire Urantia Book, only publishers. Individual authors are listed in the table of contents. The Urantia Foundation was the first publisher (1955).

Works by Urantia Foundation


Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
There are no specified authors of the entire Urantia Book, only publishers. Individual authors are listed in the table of contents. The Urantia Foundation was the first publisher (1955).



The Urantia Book is the only book I've read over and over again, each reading more amazing than the last.

I'm not going to attempt to describe the contents - it is in the public domain - grab a copy and become a citizen of the universe of universes.
S.C._Beam | 9 other reviews | Mar 24, 2020 |
Fascinating -But I don't believe a word of it. Religious
busterrll | 9 other reviews | Jun 25, 2016 |
In my honest opinion, of all the religous, spiritual and new age books out there, this is positively the most comprehensive, engross-ing, and all-encompasing book of our time. The Urantia Book will undoubtedly change humanity and your nature and style of living for the better! I would suggest starting with The Jesus Papers as that is the most treasured and familiar part of this book. This section of the book will make you fall in love with the Jesus you learned about in the Bible.
The beauty of this book is that it combines the nature of religion and science into REALITY. It does not pit science against religion or vice versa. It also does not directly contradict any religions. In fact it gives people a greater appreciation and understanding for whatever religion they may be in! In addition to that, this book will give you an incredible understanding of the universe, where you are going, where you came from, and hundreds of other BIG questions that WILL be answered! This is the Fifth Revelation of God to Man.those who wish to degrade this book, that is mainly because they are comfortable and secure with the Bible, Koran, etc., and are not comfortable with change or dynamism. But for those of you who feel as though you need more, and are willing to broaden your per-spective of the nature of God, Man, and your role in the Universe, this book is the beginning of an enthralling, exciting, epic, and ever-lasting journey to ultimately find God and be like him!!!
Review by Ian Walker
… (more)
AHD.org.au | 9 other reviews | Feb 8, 2013 |


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