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Edward Hicks (1) (1780–1849)

Author of A peaceable season

For other authors named Edward Hicks, see the disambiguation page.

4+ Works 47 Members 1 Review

Works by Edward Hicks

Associated Works

Life Before Man (1979) — Cover artist, some editions — 1,961 copies


Common Knowledge

Date of death



Edward Hicks's autobiography begins with his sense that he has not much time left in this world and that he should write down his life story for future generations, particularly for young men whom he warns to set aside their wild habits and take up the life of a Christian.

Hicks does not spare himself in criticising various vanities among Quakers. He hopes to err on the side of modesty, as if to keep some predilection to vanity at bay:
"I attended the morning meeting at Wilmington. Not being an acknowledged minister, I was for taking my seat on the floor as usual, when some elderly Friends laid hold of me and forced me into the gallery. This was a new place for me; however, I thought it my duty to speak, and what I said seemed well received by the meeting, and I think it is not unlikely that that part of my communication that the people most admired was borrowed, for like too many young ministers, I not only borrowed other people’s money, but their sentiments and language; and hence it was I passed, like too many others, for more than I was worth."

Hicks sometimes displays a dry wit, working towards a self-awareness that demands personal humility. He writes about a type of personality that he calls "silly women", a label that he says can be applied to men as well as women. He repeatedly speaks against the dangers of a "scholastic education" and considers Thomas Paine a danger to the morals of young people.

He writes about how he attempted to foreswear his profession as a painter, thinking it unsuitable for a godly person. Having miserably failed as a farmer, he eventually succumbs to his artistic calling, painting whatever commissions come his way. Though he is most famous for his Peaceable Kingdom paintings, he also painted commercial signs and accepted contracts from the local coachmaker. It is unclear whether he was painting signs on the doors or doing some sort of decorative trim.

Having completed his autobiography and finding himself still among the living, he continues his text as a daily journal. Entries vary from a single sentence -- "I passed today peacefully in my shop" -- to lengthy descriptions of events or monologues on Christian theology.

In his daily journal, there are many entries for funerals, many, it seems, for "old men like me". We follow with him day by day, as he learns of the death of his granddaughter, attends her funeral and grieves her loss.

Among the many insights he shares is a first-hand view of the painful 1827 Hicksite-Orthodox Separation that occurred among American Quakers. He tends to sniff a bit when talking of the Orthodox, and vehemently defends his brother Elias Hicks, who was accused of attacking the veracity of the Bible. It is Elias for whom the Hicksites were named.

He often mourns the separation: "I am informed that our Orthodox Friends had a quiet, respectable Yearly Meeting last week, with the exception of a storm of words on Second day morning. I am glad they seem disposed to try to cure the sad diseases of Society, by love and silence. Oh! that we may do the same, that the Lord may yet spare his people, and give not his heritage to reproach. I am encouraged to believe that if Friends will only return to the path of humble industry and practical righteousness, that the younger branches of Society will again be united, and the people of God, called Quakers, gathered into one . . ."

Hicks is an engaging writer. Anyone with an interest in this particular era in Quaker history will find this an easy-to-read and frequently touching narrative.
… (more)
bookcrazed | Jan 20, 2012 |



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