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Alex Kiester

Author of The Truth About Ben and June

2 Works 45 Members 4 Reviews

Works by Alex Kiester

In Her Skin (2019) 5 copies


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The Truth about Ben and June is a 2022 Park Row Books publication.

When Ben’s wife vanishes, leaving behind their infant son, as well, all the evidence suggests she left of her own accord. As Ben begins to investigate his wife’s disappearance, he realizes he barely knows her anymore. He has no idea what has been going on in her life right now because he has been focused on his career and is hardly ever home. The more he learns, though, the more concerned he becomes, especially when it would appear that June could be in danger…

If this book had been placed in the appropriate category, it might have generated more buzz and might also have been better received. Though all the social commentary in every single book I pick up these days is starting to burn me out- apparently most people can’t seem to get enough of it. So, if this book had been promoted as the contemporary fiction/drama that it was, highlighting the problem the story is centered around-at the very least people would have felt obligated to give it higher marks simply because of the subject matter- I know, because I've seen them do it.

Is there a mystery? Yes, we don’t know where June is, and for a while there, we don’t really know why she left, but we know that this is not a situation where she’s been kidnapped- where a killer is holding her hostage- or that she’s been murdered by a deranged psychopath.

While a missing persons report is filed, and updates are given to the authorities, there is no procedural, no cops, no follow-up by the authorities, etc. It’s more of Ben’s case than anyone else’s.

Is there suspense? Yes. Eventually, it becomes clear we are dealing with a race against the clock- life or death situation- but does that make this a thriller? No.- not under these circumstances.

So, categorizing this as a mystery/thriller didn’t do the novel justice, in my opinion.

The allegorical aspect with Greek mythology is an interesting approach, but I found it a bit distracting at times because it takes up more space than is absolutely necessary.

Still, the novel raises some good points and gives one some things to think about- especially when it comes to the challenges of adapting to parenthood, which no matter how ready or excited one is, there is no way to fully prepare for the changes, sacrifices, and responsibilities a child brings. Doubts are normal, adjustments are hard, and if one has limited support, it can be understandably overwhelming and even frightening.

All these topics are good ones to explore- as well as some subjects, I can't mention here- but, the approach to these serious themes is overpowered by the symbolism.

The love story? Technically, there is a love story here, but don’t think that involves romance- or anything epic other than the need to open the lines of communication and fix one’s individual arrogance and self-absorption.

What the story does do, though in a rather unorthodox way, is call attention to some serious issues that we are still not giving the attention they deserve.

It is an absorbing novel at times, and though I was frustrated by the handling of the material, at the end of the day, it was compelling enough to merit three stars.
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gpangel | 3 other reviews | Sep 20, 2022 |
June and Ben have just had a baby a few months earlier, named Mikey. So, when Ben wakes to find June gone, he tries to understand why. Told in both the current day and the past, we hear from June how she feels her life as a dancer was never realized, how her mother died before seeing June become a mother or a dancer on Broadway. June has postpartum depression.
This is a story of a woman's deep depression and the husband who won't give up on her.
rmarcin | 3 other reviews | Jul 24, 2022 |
I fell absolutely in love with this book!
A MUST READ, inspired, gripping, realistic, dramatic, intense, nail bitting story that brings to light a mental health topic that so desperately needs to be talked about, also education needs to be put in place for all new mothers their spouse family on both sides & close friends so that people know the signs of postpartum depression/anxiety & other mental health illnesses. How about some public service announcement commercials to spread awareness & knowledge, we must help and protect those who are unable to or afraid to ask for help. Mental health should no longer be stigmatized, it should never have been shamed in the first place. But the fabulous way this story is told helps to spread this awareness we so desperately need in a way that has respect and thoughtfulness. I felt so much as I was reading, it literally was as though I became June, her feelings also emotions I felt them too fear, pain, loss, desperation, heartache & failure, being in a hopeless situation I was there with her for this nightmare. As a mother it broke my heart that any woman has is or would in the future feel this way at no fault of her own. Alex Kiester wrote this story with incredible care, compassion and love. It's an interesting experience to read the story from both perspectives because we so rarely think of our other half's side of the situation or how they perceive it, at least that's my opinion, I really liked that aspect of the book it was eye opening for me. I would most definitely give this book 5/5 stars (I would actually like to give it 10/5 stars but then were into improper fractions & absolutely nothing is improper about this novel so 5 Stars it is.) I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge base on postpartum depression/anxiety, this is a very accurate betrayal told with a loving hand. I would also recommend this phenomenal book to anyone who enjoys a true love/Romance novel.
However this book is so so much more than any one genre it has a little bit of almost everything & then some. Love, loss, grief, suspense, mental health issues/awareness, old-fashioned stereotypical roles placed automatically on gender in relationships, parent child relationships & pressure that parents apply sometimes unknowingly, lost dreams as well as regret. But I would above all recommend this book to every first time expecting mother & all those pregnant so they can read a knowledgeable yet lovingly written accurate betrayal of what to watch out for in oneself and to know when to ask for help before it's to late, so that they don't become one of the astounding statistics, this book could help to save lives in my opinion as a mother. I had no clue what to look for as far as signs or symptoms I am thankful everyday that I had an amazing doctor who was on top of things or my daughter & I may not be here. I would like to thank Netgalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing & Alex Kiester for the ARC of this phenomenal outstanding work of art. Bravo Alex Kiester.
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MahWhatEver | 3 other reviews | Jul 17, 2022 |

