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Works by Terry Marchion


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The timing of this book’s release puts a unique spin on the conundrum this story presents. Technology has created a world where people are no longer engaging in life beyond the screens they hold in their hands. There is no longer a need to leave the house to buy essentials or hang out with friends. As we are now in the midst of a global pandemic, this ability has become crucial for our survival. We are forced to remain in our homes for the good of human survival. Virtual parties and playdates have become the new norm. We are now using the technology we once isolated ourselves with to reach out and interact with other people.

I absolutely love how the characters are growing and interacting with others, and it’s a good thing since Uncle Tremain inadvertently finds himself in need of help.

In this story, I found it interesting that Tremain humbles himself and demonstrates integrity, two characteristics that are just as important as learning how to code autonomous cars or creating fully flexible tablets. In doing so, however, he learns how deadly technology can be when in the hands of a psychopath.

Christopher is continuing to grow into a fine young man with a good head on his shoulders. He has surrounded himself with loyal friends who are “all-in” when it comes to saving the world. Together, they are tasked with learning the truth behind the autonomous car hack. What could have gotten through all the redundant fail-safes? And that’s not all that’s being hacked.

Watching Christopher grow and learn is like watching one of my own nephews. My heart smiles when I see him interacting with his friends and family. I love that he’s following in his uncle’s footsteps, not just in science, but in a way to better the world.

I have loved this series from the beginning. Tremain seemed to take a backseat to most of this story, but his presence was represented by every decision Christopher made. Asking “what would Uncle Tremain do?” helped guide him through some intense situations. I look forward to learning about that phone call Tremain received…
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Bibliodiction | Apr 7, 2020 |
This book may have been a quick read, but it didn’t lack excitement!!

Young Christopher is an intelligent teenager. In school, he focuses on the two classes he loves; science and math. Other classes are deemed unimportant, therefore, why bother? He also loves visiting his uncle. After school, Christopher loves spending his free time at the lab. His uncle may be absent-minded, but he is brilliant.

Tremain adores his favorite nephew. Christopher may be his only nephew, but that doesn’t matter. He enjoys the time his sister’s son spends with him at the lab. Tremain loves sharing his inventions and experiments with Christopher.

The adventure begins with an accident. Accidents in labs usually end badly. This accident sets off a chain of events throwing the pair into an unknown world. Where are they? Are they back in time with the colonists? The locals seem to be too primitive. When are they? Will they be able to return home?

I loved reading this story. My favorite part was at the very end. The story literally came around full circle. An interesting way to learn a lesson. Christopher and Tremain had an amazingly eye-opening experience. I look forward to their next adventure!!
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Bibliodiction | 1 other review | Apr 28, 2018 |
I love this story!! The recurring theme in this book is “the past doesn’t always stay buried”.

Towards the beginning, we are introduced to Christopher’s mom, Davie, and learn about the relationship between her and Tremain. They seemed to have had a typical childhood. Tremain was the inquisitive younger brother and Davie was the bossy overprotective older sister. It appears things haven’t changed much.

We also embark on another adventure, but this time our trip to the past is more conventional. Christopher questions their traditional mode of transportation. Seriously, they do have an invention called a “transport”. I absolutely love Tremain’s response. I agree whole-heartedly with the wise uncle!

I enjoy watching the interaction between Uncle Tremain and Christopher. The shared love of science draws them closer together. They seem to know what the other is thinking. This bond comes in handy when trouble arises. They create the perfect team.

The Adventures of Tremain and Christopher are fantastic must-reads!
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Bibliodiction | Apr 28, 2018 |
When one goes adventuring with Uncle Tremain and Christopher, one needs to be prepared for anything.

As with all the books in The Adventures of Tremain and Christopher series, my favorite part is watching nephew and uncle bond. Family is important. As shown in this story, family is so vital a being becomes lost within himself for lack of one.

An anomaly is what sparks this mystery. Something was discovered after a new satellite took a series of photos. Something appeared in one of those photos, but not in any of the others. Col Griffiths then makes his requisite phone call to Professor Tremain. The sleuthing commences.

A few twists and turns later, Christopher returns home only to be smothered by his mother’s hug. I won’t spoil anything for you, but just know… a little over halfway through the book I turned straight into a huge grin!
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Bibliodiction | 1 other review | Apr 28, 2018 |

