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21 Works 270 Members 4 Reviews


Showing 4 of 4
Didn't like this one at all. Would never have picked it up and read it except that I got it from Tell Harlequin to read and review. I've said before that I don't like 2nd chance at love stories. This one illustrates most of the things I dislike about them. They can be okay if there isn't too much bitterness and anger over the break up. In this one the couple has given up on marriage. That sort I totally and intensly dispise. I read romances for fun. It isn't fun to read about the death of a baby and the breakdown and bitterness of a marriage and a couple giving up instead of trying harder. I know it happens in real life but I don't have to read about it. There was nothing happy in this book at all. The ending wasn't even very happy. After their baby died, she closed herself off and quit their marriage and he didn't stick it out and gave up trying to get through to her. They both are totally into moving on with their lives that the marriage wasn't worth revisiting. He only came back to take his sister's kid from her. He made a few half hearted efforts which she couldn't believe in because he had walked out on her two years before. I didn't see a whole lot of growing etc., on either part. It was just a miserable depressing read. But hey, maybe you like that kind of thing.
Luziadovalongo | 1 other review | Jul 14, 2022 |
Yuck. This one was even worse. Waaaay too much angst, plus a weird time sequence hopping back and forth between three different times. Clearly setting up for sequels - Noah, whatever's up with Tyler, Lance and Julia, etc etc - but I don't want to read them, very oddly for me. I love romance series - sibs or a town or whatever - but I have no interest in these people. Reminds me of Funky Winkerbean - the comic strip turned soap opera. There's not one happy, stable person in this cast. Ugh. Broken pieces get boring very fast, and "you walked away, no you did". The occasional misused word didn't help either - she stood 'insidiously' still. I was crying through most of it, but not, as usual, because I liked and sympathized with the characters. Just a soap opera heap of angst, with a too-easy happy ending tacked on. I repeat, yuck.½
jjmcgaffey | 1 other review | Nov 9, 2010 |
Good story, but poor writing - I kept being distracted from the story by an awkward word usage, especially in the descriptions. Dialog wasn't too bad. There was also way too much brooding on both sides - she's afraid to let a man back into her life, he's afraid to let anyone into his life. And they spend a great deal of time thinking about past wrongs and rights and history - while the story sweeps by them and they have to catch up. Dunno, just awkward. Pity, because it sets up this new set of stories. It's not unreadable, but definitely not a favorite.½
jjmcgaffey | Mar 13, 2009 |
Showing 4 of 4