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Charisse Moritz

Author of Shatter

3 Works 14 Members 4 Reviews


Works by Charisse Moritz

Shatter (2020) 7 copies
Shakespeare Burning (2019) 6 copies
Sacrifice (2022) 1 copy


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Need something to make you laugh out loud and feel good about life? Sacrifice is a must read.

Charisse Moritz and her novels would not seem like a fit for someone like me, who loves to delve in the darkness of romance novels. You know, the ones with murder and mayhem, rape and sex trafficking. BUT, Charisse’s writing and her characters draw me in so deep, sometimes I almost think they are real. They sure could be.

I have two pages of notes and wonder what I am going to do. Usually, with that many notes, I tend to share too much. I loved Sacrifice and the realistic, lovable characters that Charisse Moritz, so I don’t want to spoil a moment for you. I want you to experience their struggles, hope and dreams for yourself. I am sure you want a happy ever after. I know I did, and with Charisse, that is possible.

The situations the characters find themselves in could happen to anyone. The characters feel as if they could be the band members you find in the bar you frequent, the girl who left her abusive boyfriend and is hiding out, the single father that suffers from the lies his ‘ex’ feeds him.

The two main characters, Shae and Daisy, are flawed, frightened, insecure, beat down by life. Shae will do whatever it takes to make sure his son has the things he did not. Daisy looks through rose colored glasses, yet flinches at a knock on her door and things Shae is some kind of Sasquatch.

Her is a reason why I love Charisse Moritz’s writing so much…At 4 %, they meet for the first time and it is JUST TOO DARN CUTE AND FUNNY. The tone of the writing is serious, yet written in such a way that I never got too dogged down, too sad or depressed, because her vivid, hilarious descriptions of Daisy’s thoughts when letting her mind road to Shae, had me laughing out loud.

Mutt is a character that has to be mentioned. And if you want to know more, you’ll have to find out for yourself. I love when a peripheral character basks in the limelight…as I write that, I have a smile on my face.

A chat between Daisy and Shae when he picked up his son, Patrick, from babysitting, leaning against the doorframe with his feet crossed and his arms across his chest (which I so can visualize):

“Want to tell me why my boy is not wearing any pants?”

“He didn’t share his reasons, but I support his choices.”

I mean, how can you not crack up. Laugh out loud, whether anyone is around or not.

Patrick, a two year old, is, of course, adorable. I can hear that baby voice ‘speaking’. His actions and the dialogue is so cute, sweet, except when he’s letting them know he’s not happy. After all, he is two years old.

Shae took Daisy shopping. I don’t want to spoil the why of it, other than to say, Mutt is playing him like a fiddle. Her’s another quote that will share why I love Charisse Moritz’s writing

Patrick got a new jacket and a puzzle out of the deal. I got a hard on and a headache.

The sexual attraction is off the charts and I have never read of a couple of characters with this much self control. They both have their reasons, but Daisy is irresistible and his jealousy surprises even him

“Why don’t you just peel on me?”

I laughed out loud…again. Warning: If you read this around other people, well, you know.

There is more than one moment that shocked and awed me, in good and bad ways. I didn’t even try to figure out what was going on and why. I thought, even though I love Charisse Moritz’s writing, this is a romance, and I am along for the ride. Even a good romance rarely gets more than a four star rating from me. Out of the three books that I have read by Charisse, two of them have been five star ratings. She manages to supply those BAM, in your face moments and I love that.

EVERYTHING…PERFECT…for me. Romance with a dash of mystery and suspense.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Sacrifice by Charisse Moritz.

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sherry69 | Feb 14, 2022 |
Shatter is my second book that I have read by Charisse Moritz. Shakespeare Burning was her debut novel and it blew me away, so I eagerly started reading.

Tia is responsible for her six brothers and sisters, and now, seeing she ran him over, Taz. And he could sure use a friend. I feel a healthy respect and sympathy for Tia. Taz pulls at my heartstrings and I feel there is much more to learn about him. Tia loves to rescue those in need, whether human or critter.

Tia remembers good times with Taz, when they were much younger, Juvie had changed him. He was like a porcupine throwing up his quills when anyone tried to get close to him.

Tully, Tia’s little sister is so sweet. Her precious little girl voice and the things she says are priceless. Her interaction with Taz is amazing and Charisse was a master at showing it. She is full of ‘rainbows and happiness.’ What a wonderful yet simple description, as I fought for words to describe her, Charisse Moritz supplied them.

Tia and her brothers and sisters are on their own because of an automobile accident. Her father was seriously injured and her mother moved to be by his side. Her aunt is supposed to be with them, but she left right after she got there. Think about it. A high school senior girl is doing her best to play mother and father for her 5 brothers and sisters. Her heart is BIG and her compassion endless. Tia is the most positive character I have ever read. She never quit fighting for what she believed in. Despair, sure, but somehow she grasps HOPE and figures out a way.

The few who believe in Taz are amazing and I hope you meet them.

These wonderfully written characters go through so many emotions that I laughed, I worried, I fretted, I hoped, and I kept on reading. They were created in vivid, realistic detail that may make you want to wrap your arms around these youngsters and tell them everything will be all right.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Shatter by Charisse Moritz.

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sherry69 | Jul 29, 2020 |
Shake LeCasse is a troubled young man trying to find a way to escape the survivor's guilt. Suddenly, everywhere he looks he sees Cleo Lee–a girl with a bad reputation of being from the wrong side of town. He can't decide whether he hates her or wants her. Maybe it's both? Both a sympathetic and frustrating character, you cannot help but want better for Shake.

Cleo Lee is the kind of girl you want on your side. She is fiercely loyal, funny, strong, independent, and she wants Shake, but her secrets keep her from doing more than keeping an eye out for him. That is until they both cannot stay away.

I was instantly sucked in by the first chapter of Shakespeare Burning. Between the captivating and entertaining mindset of Shake LeCasse and the strength of Charisse Moritz's storytelling ability, I was a goner. So much so that I could not put it down and finished within a day of picking it up. Those are the authors to watch out for! They sneak up on you and have you hunting them down for their next great piece.

This dark, yet beautifully tragic book finds a way to make you laugh, cry, and connect with such intense characters, all while racing to the end. I received this copy from Amazon after connecting with the author, Charisse Moritz. She had my heart breaking with every Shakespeare quote and beautiful metaphor. For a debut novel, she knocked this one out of the park!

#Bingeworthy #ShakespeareanLove #SweetRomance
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Mickey-Mattioli | 1 other review | Apr 6, 2020 |
Charisse Moritz blew me away with her debut novel and I am eager to read more of her work. I hope she is busy writing.

High school. Do you remember those days? Were you one of the popular ones? Or did you march to your own drummer?

It took me a minute or two to get started, but as personalities began to emerge, it played like a movie in my mind.

He has fallen a long way from the varsity hockey captain he used to be. His grandma wastes no words, telling it like it is, but has him asking the question, “What do I need?” His name is Shake LeCasse. They call him Shakespeare. Ever since the accident, his life has went to hell. Survivor’s guilt keeps him paralyzed. I feel Cleo is going to shake him up good. I quickly grew to love her.

Cleo feels a kinship with him and it grows. She thinks he’s hot. She gets a taste of what she wants before common sense rears it ugly head and reins her in. Cleo is deep, soft and hard, feisty…she ‘borrows’ things, pops in and out like a fairy, Now you she her, now you don’t.

…I can hear his heart beat. Funny how they all sound the same. Even the broken ones.

We have some laughs along the way, along with all the teenage angst that high school entails.

The more I read, the more I loved watching the characters learn and grow, each filling a hole in the others lives that no one else can. I love the snarky, witty dialogue.

“I’m going to kill him. Then I’m going to revive his ass, just so I can kill him again.”

Well…Shakespeare Burning is not a book I would normally pick up to read, but I am so glad I did. Branching out from my normal reads paid off in spades! I am so glad Charisse Moritz reached out to me and after I read the fantastic blurb that tweaked my interest, I had to know more. Something about it talked to me.

The book, the story, the wonderful characters drew me deeper and deeper into a story of loss, grief, sorrow, need, faith, loyalty and love.

I voluntarily read an ARC of Shakespeare Burning by Charisse Moritz.

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sherry69 | 1 other review | Feb 6, 2020 |

