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Anya Ow

Author of Ion Curtain

6+ Works 34 Members 5 Reviews


Works by Anya Ow

Ion Curtain (2022) 17 copies
Cradle and Grave (2020) 9 copies
The Firebird's Tale (2016) 5 copies
Eight Characters [short story] — Author — 1 copy

Associated Works

Uncanny Magazine Issue 23: July/August 2018 (2018) — Contributor — 22 copies
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2019 Edition (2019) — Contributor — 19 copies
Sword and Sonnet (2018) — Contributor — 13 copies
The Year's Best Fantasy, Volume Two (2023) — Contributor — 3 copies
Daily Science Fiction: August 2020 (2020) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



I come away from this novel with very mixed feelings. This is even with the issue that I tend to approach military procedurals set in space in the spirit of "impress me." While Ms. Ow writes with ambition, has good characters, and good dialogue, about 3/5s of the way through the plot of this space opera goes off the rails to the point where I was wondering what the hell I had just read. That said, I'm still looking forward to any forthcoming books set in this milieu.
Shrike58 | 3 other reviews | Sep 6, 2023 |

Ion Curtain is a nicely assembled MilSF story featuring a ruthless intelligence agency and rogue AIs in control of space battleships. But I’m afraid this year in particular, I’m uncomfortable with a book about the glorious Russian space navy.… (more)
nwhyte | 3 other reviews | Jul 28, 2023 |
This novella is post-apocalyptic body horror with major Annihilation vibes. Well, it starts out more Mad Max and then eases into Annihilation. Dark and atmospheric, with scenes that linger in the mind long after closing the book. This one definitely exceeded my expectations.
greeniezona | May 12, 2023 |
Ow, Anya. Ion Curtain. Solaris, 2022.
Beginning with the pun in the title, Anya Ow has done what she can to give us a comfortably familiar far-future space opera. Russia is still a superpower in international affairs. There is still a UN that seems dominated by the Chinese. There is still a cold war—as one character says, attacking each other’s spaceships is so last generation. There are lots of spies with neat far-future spy toys, and the best generals still like to play chess. We even have a Star Wars reference—a gay scavenger pilot named Solitaire (not Solo) has a spaceship that is faster than it looks. The McGuffin is a true quantum intelligence based on an engineer’s personality. It turns out not to be a good idea to base quantum intelligence on the personalities of admirals. Ow gives us three or four characters we can care about and keeps the plot moving. The political world is big enough to generate some sequels, but none have been announced. 4 stars, if you don’t mind the anachronisms.… (more)
1 vote
Tom-e | 3 other reviews | Feb 1, 2023 |

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