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Steven Rowley

Author of Lily and the Octopus

11 Works 2,922 Members 211 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Steven Rowley


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This is the story of 6 people who transferred to Berkeley their sophomore year and became friends due to their dorm placement. Marielle, Naomi, Craig, Alec, the Jordans—Jordan and Jordy become family to each other. When Alec dies 2 weeks before graduation, Marielle suggests a pact--they will have a funeral for anyone one of them when they are alive, so nothing is left unsaid. All that person has to do is ask, and they will all come together to celebrate that person's life. They usually meet at Naomi's family home at Big Sur, California. Each chapter in this book describes the circumstances of each person requesting the funeral and the funeral. Marielle's marriage has fallen apart, and her daughter is leaving for college; Naomi's parents are killed in a plane crash, Craig is charged with art fraud, tried, and sent to prison; and Jordy's husband Jordan is dying of cancer. At this point, they are all around 50 years old, so they have been friends for about 30 years. I did not particularly like this book. These folks, although all successful in their own way, seemed very narcissistic.… (more)
baughga | 19 other reviews | Jun 8, 2024 |
Another fun summer read for me! Patrick decides to take his niece, Maisie, 14 now, and nephew, Grant, 11 on a tour of Europe ending in Italy. Their final stop is the wedding of their father and a wealthy Italian royal. The kids don't want a new stepmother and want their Uncle Patrick to stop it.
Dianekeenoy | 5 other reviews | May 29, 2024 |
this book was one big hug. i loved laughing out loud to this book. this is a touching story with a group of enjoyable, flawed characters and great friendships. the idea was to leave nothing unsaid before death. the compassion and sensitivity is there! Rowley’s books are written so beautiful and you just immediately fall into the story with his characters so quickly and it’s really truly the best. i never wanted to put it down. kudos to Steve Rowley for writing this book. this is was so special. it's a reminder to celebrate the happy times, life, say final goodbyes and forgive the body for failing… (more)
Ellen-Simon | 19 other reviews | May 28, 2024 |
Enjoyed this. It's Auntie Mame moves to Palm Springs. Thought this was going to be over-the-top silly - but it's not - it's funny and wise. Patrick is a delight. You'll get all the Easter Eggs if you've actually read Auntie Mame, but it's enjoyable without that reference.
DocHobbs | 73 other reviews | May 27, 2024 |



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