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Works by Erik Sass


Common Knowledge




This was like a 400 page history term paper from a couple of stoned teenagers, bristling with information accurate and otherwise, and told in a breathless, non-stop fashion that sucked all the air out of the room. Funny here and there, but a lot of history really doesn't lend itself to humor, or for that matter, quick summarization. The mind numbing repetitiveness of human aggression doesn't help either.
unclebob53703 | 12 other reviews | Mar 18, 2024 |
Audiobook version, read by Johnny Heller. I suspect this book would have been much better in a regular book format, rather than on audio. The boring and repetitive lists of events at each chapter (?) start are probably laid out visually in such a way as to allow you to refer back during the meat of each section. Aside from that, it was still a light and entertaining overview of historical events, presented in a way that I wish my dusty old history teachers could have taught it. I was even mightily impressed with the narrator's ability to make coherent sounding sentences using the tongue-twisting names of ancient civilizations and foreign languages. Until the book hit the 1940's and I had to endure hearing "nucular" spoken over and over again. I subtracted a star for that alone, and I'm afraid I had to abandon the audiobook while it was in the home stretch.… (more)
Doodlebug34 | 12 other reviews | Jan 1, 2024 |
The authors bill this book as an irreverent romp through civilization's best bits. For the most part the irrevencey does make for an entertaining look through history. On the other hand, the history of the world has often been down right horrifying , and on occasion, that irrevencey is perhaps a tad bit inappropriate.
kevinkevbo | 12 other reviews | Jul 14, 2023 |
Í þessari bók er saga heimsins frá upphafi til 21. aldar sögð í knöppu formi og reynt er að hafa húmorinn og orðaleiki með til að létta upplýsingamagnið og til að gera bæði söguna áhugaverðari og léttmeltari.
Ritið fær plús fyrir mikla yfirferð og hve miklu magni upplýsinga Sass kemur að í knöppu formi. Hann leitast við að segja pólitíska, efnahagslega, matar, samfélagslega, tæknilega sögu heimsins auk alls hins. Þarna er óneitanlega margt sem kemur manni á óvart og er bæði forvitnilegt og skemmtilegt að læra.
Því miður verður Sass að hlaupa á hundavaði yfir alla heimssöguna og stundum gætir ónákvæmni og þá er óneitanlega ekki að finna þarna þætti sem mér finnst að væru ómissandi í svona söguyfirliti. Þá fundust mér orðaleikirnir og grínið mega missa sín stundum þegar það var orðið frekar leiðinlegt en fyndið.
… (more)
SkuliSael | 12 other reviews | Apr 28, 2022 |

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