Rosetta Stone (disambiguation)

"Rosetta Stone" is composed of at least 3 distinct authors, divided by their works.

Author Division

Rosetta Stone (1)

Works have been aliased into Rosetta Stone.

Chinese 2 Mandarin (1997) 4 copies

Rosetta Stone (3)

Selling Stephanie (1997) 3 copies
Training Jenny (1996) 2 copies
Captive Cargo (2004) 2 copies
Slave to the System (1995) 1 copy
Slave to the State (1996) 1 copy

Rosetta Stone (unknown)

Adrenaline (1993) 1 copy
Chemical Emissions (1998) 1 copy
Hiding in Waiting (1996) 1 copy
Unerotica (2000) 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
Theodor Seuss Geisel also wrote under the "Rosetta Stone" pseudonym and is the author of Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo!