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10 Works 108 Members 1 Review


Nine chapters--one for each of nine talks given in the early 1950s on the subject of Japanese art: Early Buddhism; Shinto; Fujiwara; Kamakura; Ashikaga; The Great Decorators 1573-1750; Folk and Traditional Art; the Transformation of Nature in Art; and Tea, Gardens and Zen. Although somewhat dated and very introductory (obviously intended for a general audience), there are still some statements that give pause for thought--even if you find yourself ultimately rejecting them.

About fifty pages of B&W illustrations accompany the text with a short recommended reading list since overshadowed by newer and more informed and nuanced works. Would it be too cruel to say that while Japan's art is truly enduring, this text is perhaps not as enduring as the well-known author would have wished.

pbjwelch | Jul 25, 2017 |