Publisher SeriesNuovo politecnico [Einaudi]


Dialettica senza dogma by Robert Havemann 33 copies2
L'acculturazione : storia e scienze umane by Alphonse Dupront 1 copy10
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society by Herbert Marcuse 2,188 copies, 22 reviews11
Dal mondo del pressappoco all'universo della precisione by Alexandre Koyré 33 copies, 1 review12
Retorica e logica by Giulio Preti 7 copies17
L' istituzione negata by Franco Basaglia 16 copies19
Materialismo dialettico e metodo scientifico by Leo Apostel 11 copies20
Insights and illusions of philosophy by Jean Piaget 73 copies33
American Power and the New Mandarins: Historical and Political Essays by Noam Chomsky 439 copies, 2 reviews34
Le marxisme introuvable by Daniel Lindenberg 6 copies50
Per il comunismo: questioni di teoria by Nicola Badaloni 7 copies50
The Death of the Family by David Cooper 170 copies, 2 reviews54
Le immagini della morte nella società moderna by Werner Fuchs 12 copies56
Objectivity in Social Research by Gunnar Myrdal 42 copies, 2 reviews59
Knots by R. D. Laing 714 copies, 6 reviews65
The Pleasure of the Text by Roland Barthes 1,317 copies, 14 reviews66
A geração que esbanjou seus poetas by Roman Jakobson 25 copies, 1 review70
Oedipus in the light of folklore: four studies of historical-structural ethnography by Vladimir Jakovlevic Propp 15 copies, 1 review73
Il marxismo di Gramsci : dal mito alla ricomposizione politica by Nicola Badaloni 5 copies74
Photography and Society by Gisèle Freund 167 copies, 1 review81
Berichte zur Gesinnungslage der Nation by Heinrich Böll 48 copies, 1 review82
Which Socialism?: Marxism, Socialism, and Democracy by Norberto Bobbio 53 copies84
I, Pierre Riviere, having slaughtered my mother, my sister, and my brother: A Case of Parricide in the 19th Century by Michel Foucault 347 copies, 3 reviews85
Crepuscolo: appunti presi in Germania, 1926-1931 by Max Horkheimer 21 copies96
Art, Perception, and Reality by E. H. Gombrich 121 copies, 2 reviews103
Infancy and History: On the Destruction of Experience by Giorgio Agamben 238 copies, 1 review105
PCI, che fare?: riflessioni su strategia e obiettivi della Sinistra by Altiero Spinelli 3 copies109
The Salaried Masses: Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany by Siegfried Kracauer 105 copies, 1 review117
Rethinking Symbolism by Dan Sperber 84 copies121
Radiofonia televisione by Jacques Lacan 6 copies, 1 review127
Va' pensiero : il carattere della filosofia italiana contemporanea by Carlo Augusto Viano 11 copies147
L'esteta e il politico : sulla nuova piccola borghesia by Alfonso Berardinelli 7 copies150
Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method by Carlo Ginzburg 265 copies, 2 reviews152
Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities by Stanley Fish 380 copies158
The Rhetoric of Economics (Rhetoric of the Human Sciences) by Deirdre N. McCloskey 148 copies165
For Reasons of State by Noam Chomsky 194 copies, 2 reviews

Collections and Selections

