
About My Library
As an ethnomusicologist, much of my library holdings focus on ethnography, anthropology, ethnomusicology, lived religion, various kinds of social theory, and South Asia and Himalayan studies with a special emphasis on Nepal. I also avidly read classics, young adult fiction, and Christian living and theology. As a pianist and music instructor, I have a fair amount of musical repertoire, pedagogy, or dictionaries in my library as well. This website is primarily a way for me to organize my various personal library holdings.
About Me
I'm an independent scholar with a PhD in ethnomusicology. I have a background in piano performance, and English literature and creative writing. I work as a writing consultant, freelance editor, and adjunct professor, so I teach courses on "world music" and writing. I have traveled and lived abroad extensively (mostly South Asia, but some Western Europe as well). I also do audio visual work for small events (live sound mixing, video mixing, and FOH work).
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