
children (1), determined (1), book launch (1), children's books (1), author (1), trust (1), happy (1), online dating (1), flirt (1), tease (1), book fair (1), lonely (1), publishing (1), love (1), writer (1), alone (1), hatred (1), unputdownable (1), hilarious (1), happy ending (1), love story (1), funny (1), sad (1), betrayal (1), heart (1), man of my dreams (1)
Mar 2, 2017
Real Name
Jayne Higgins
About My Library
I was taken to the library twice a week as a child for my six books. I devoured them and reading was a favourite thing to occupy my rather dull and troubled childhood. I escaped into those books. I became the school librarian in high school and loved both the responsibility and the escape from the cold English weather as I spent every lunchtime fulfilling my duties. I tend to give away most of my reads for others to enjoy and I have difficulty concentrating on many books now. I tend to chose modern relatable topics and modern poetry these days and I also read a lot online.
About Me
I am a writer at long last! Following my passion. New purpose in life after medical retirement ended my career in probation. I write novels and I blog and have recently self published my debut novel.
Manchester England.
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