About My Library
The Hackspace Library consists of books donated or long-term loaned by members, focusing primarily on making, hacking, and reusing.

It is located in the comfy area, creating a dividing wall between the studio and the comfy area, and is available for members to read and borrow books.
About Me
Nottingham Hackspace is a member-funded and member-led workshop, studio and co-working space for the East Midlands, located close to the centre of Nottingham. It’s a place for makers and creatives to meet, learn, swap skills, and work on projects.

The hackspace is run on a non-profit basis to serve your creative interests as a member. Whether you’re interested in crafting, electronics, woodwork, metalwork, knitting, programming, bike maintenance, prototyping, gadget modification, robotics, or anything, we have the kind of tools you don’t generally have room for at home. And our hackspace is continually growing, with new members, tools and projects practically every day.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
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