
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jun 9, 2019
Real Name
Cathy Cheney Lecher
About My Library
My library includes a growing number of classic literature, Bradbury, Hemingway, Steinbeck, Austen, Brontë, and Twain. Several memoirs, Eat Pray Love, Wild, Angela’s Ashes, The Bell Jar, Running with Scissors, and Look me in the Eye. Fantasy fiction, Harry Potter, Eragon, Narnia, Wrinkle in Time, The Secret Garden. Fiction novels, Bridget Jones, Room, House of Sand and Fog, and White Oleander.
About Me
If I’m not reading, I’m most likely wishing I were. My dream is to own a used bookstore so I don’t have to feel guilty about buying so many books because I want all of them! I read Wuthering Heights about 2 years ago and fell in love with old English lit, so far my favorites include The Brontes, Dickens, and Alcott, but I have also fallen in love with authors like Janet Fitch, Kerry Lonsdale, and Audrey Niffenegger. My store would cater to young families who want to instill reading in their children’s lives, and lovers of the classics as well as modern fiction.
Minneapolis, MN
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