
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jun 14, 2013
Real Name
Richard Sutton
About My Library
I read a lot, and review most of what I read. I'm an Amazon Vines Voice reviewer, but I also review anything that's moved me, or made me smile. My library will be added to as I have time away from the keyboard.
About Me
From San Rafael, California on a windy January in 1952, it's been a wild ride. My folks never settled down until long after I'd moved to a cabin I built on a commune, but I couldn't sit still -- the wanderlust was in my blood. I hitchhiked to New York City in 1973. There I met my wife on Canal Street and finally found a home.

I learned my writing craft post-college, spending 20-plus years in the trenches of NYC advertising and publicity as a graphic designer, marker-pen-jockey, art director and copy writer. I served the needs of a wide range of clients from corporate multinationals to non-profits and small retail businesses. I now limit my design and marketing work to book covers and collateral marketing for authors.

Our other family business, since 1985 has been trading and retail in the authentic American Indian arts, primarily Southwestern cultures. Indigenous cultures world wide, have an amazing resilience. We could learn some lessons from them. Much of my work deals with intolerance, diversity and the clash of cultures.

I've worn lots of different hats and hung them all over the place. Finally, I have the chance to concentrate on what I really love about being alive; to read and write what I like, when I like; and to listen to and make the kind of music that gives me peace.
NY Metro
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