
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Dec 18, 2017
Real Name
Talia Franks
About My Library

This collection reflects my personal library of books and other media. My physical library is split between two locations, as reflected in my collections. I also have a significant collection in terms of my electronic library, which I have also chosen to catalogue here.

About Me

Hi! I’m Talia. I am an intuitive person who finds joy in creating and building community with effort and intentionality. I’ve been told I’m quirky, and I know that I bring my unique experiences and critical points of view to every table. I believe in the importance of language as something that can be used to both heal and harm, and that we need to be critical of the ways that we use language precisely because it can be weaponized in such a manner, particularly in literary and fandom spaces, which is where I have the most expertise. I’m a poet, a writer, a reader, a translator, a podcaster, and above all a creative who likes their feminism intersectional and their entertainment diverse. As an aspiring polymath (basically a nerd) I use every day as an opportunity to make real world magic a reality.

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