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Nov 11, 2009
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There have been 69 volumes of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society, as well as numerous other special editions. In 1916, Stith Thompson edited the Society's first collection of folklore-related articles from papers which had been presented at annual meetings.

There have been only six Secretary-Editors:
Stith Thompson (1916-1922)
J. Frank Dobie (1923-1942)
Mody Boatright (1943-1962)
Wilson Hudson (1963-1971)
F. E. Abernethy (1971-2004)
Kenneth L. Untiedt (2004-present)

For more information about the Texas Folklore Society, it's publications or membership, please visit the website below.
About Me
The Texas Folklore Society celebrated it's 100th Anniversary in 2009. Only the American Folklore Society is older.

In his preface to T for Texas: A State Full of Folklore, Francis Edward Abernethy says about the Society's purpose:

"I believe that the Society's main purpose is to search for ways to preserve folklore without embalming it, and to present a fairly well-educated public with the treasures of their culture's folk life. I do not believe that our purpose is to proliferate esoterica and pedantry among a small, specially educated clique.

I further believe that the Texas Folklore Society's purpose is to preserve and present the Folklore of Texas. This does not mean that our purpose is to be chauvinistic or provincial, both of which are brought about by states of mind rather than geographical locations. It means, as Kittredge said so many years ago, that Texas really is the folklorist's happy hunting ground, that we have all the fields we can ever plow, and that the work and the room to work is as wide as its borders and as inexhaustible as the winds that blow across the Staked Plains. And this work should be done by those who know the land and love it and understand it.

And finally, I believe that the purpose of the Texas Folklore Society is not to hide the light of the lore under a bushel of academic guidelines and definitions and scholarly verbiage but to let that light so shine among men that all the world but, Lord, most especially Texans may see the richness of the land and its people and its history and its continuity. In this land and its people and its history Texans must realize the place of their belonging, a mother land to moisten with their sweat, and finally to nourish with their bones."

The Society meets Easter weekend, when members read papers on a variety of folklore subjects. On Thursday night there is a "hootenanny" and on Friday night a dinner with an invited speaker or other entertainment. All sessions are open to the public.
Nacogdoches, Texas

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