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Oct 2, 2012
Real Name
Adam Sean Connell
About My Library
My library is pretty eclectic. That's because I'll read anything as long as it's good. Even chick-lit (though there's very little chick-lit here). My library leans heavily towards SF and crime. Those are, obviously, my two favorite genres and the two genres that have shaped me most as a writer.

I'm a bit obsessive about my books. I don't lend them out because history has taught me that they don't get returned. I treat my mass markets and trade paper editions as if they were fragile; you'll find no spine creases on my books. Hardcovers I'm a little more rough with.

Once my sister was taking a bath while reading my copy of Stephen King's It. The book took a bath. I'm still trying very hard to forgive my sister for this.

When I was very young I was reading a lot of comic books and my parents were concerned that it was unhealthy. They went to the local librarian with their worries, and this librarian--a woman with a warm place in my heart ever since--she told my parents that it doesn't matter what I'm reading AS LONG AS I'M READING. I graduated to choose-your-own-adventures, and then, at a precocious age, to mature novels.

I still read the occasional comic, but I will always love that librarian because her advice to my parents changed my entire life. If not for her, I wouldn't be the reader and writer that I am today. God Bless You, Mrs. Mulligan.
About Me
I was born in 1973 and grew up on Long Island. Disregard what many people have said; Long Island wasn't a terrible place to grow up during the 70s and 80s. My parents and my sister loved me. But I was the least popular kid at school and Blah Blah Blah. You've heard this shit before. Hell, maybe you even lived it, too, like me. What's important is that I loved to read. As I got into science fiction and fantasy and horror, when I became enthralled with genre books my local library was starved for, I got part-time jobs in Junior High and High School so I could buy the books I needed, that I craved, that nourished me.

I went to NYU to study Literature. To study books simply because there was nothing more I wanted to learn everything about. I didn't take a single class on creative writing. Most of my fans are surprised at this, but auditing a few of these classes I saw that they were too competitive for me, that half the students delighted in crushing the works of their classmates. I wrote in private. I wrote alone in NYU's giant and lonely library. When I graduated and couldn't get a job in publishing, I worked elsewhere and I wrote at night. While my coworkers were becoming fast friends and going out for drinks, I abstained and stayed at home and wrote at night, every night.

My life has been one of sacrifice and success. I'm not complaining, because I've written some good books and I'll write many more. I know that the most satisfying act is not having put "The End" to a book I was proud of. The most satisfying is that hazy span between books. The gathering, like berries, of ideas and characters and themes and story. Reading and musing and writing. They're more important to me than vegetables and water and air. (But not more important than my wife. Jeannie is the exception to my life of dust jackets and ink-stained fingers and notebooks.) This, in 362 words, is who I am, or in pockets of doubt, who I strive to be.
Westchester, NY
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