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May 6, 2012
Real Name
Peter Idone
About My Library
My bookshelf (incomplete) reflects an eclectic taste in reading.A lot of my influences began back in college with a superb literature proffesor and several classmates.There was a period back in the eighties where I read a lot of sci-fi and a lot of it was dissapointing. I can't remember the titles or authors, just a lot of lurid book covers. I haven't read much fiction over this past decade due to what I must consume for research purposes for what I'm writing.Also, a lot of articles published on the net that pertain to my works in progress.Some books I read back in the mid-seventies (The Sheep Look Up; Dahlgren) and I'm reading them again as a lot of buzz has been generated over these books over the last several years.The best book I ever read or will ever read is the one that chooses you. It's a wonderful experience, silently walking down the aisles of a library or a bookstore(remember those) and for whatever reason something catches your eye and you take it in your hands and you know...this was written for me.That's happened to me twice with Heinrich Boll and Phillip K. Dick. I've read some great books over the years recommended by friends, reviews or several authors I consider favorites but it's on those two occaissions when some real magic happens.
About Me
I've recently moved to New Hampshire after seventeen years of living in Seattle, WA. It was a career move on my wife's part. In this age of economic challenges there's a lot of flux so we had to make moves that are viable.Over the years I've worked in construction, contracting, and the electronics field. I was self taught and studied under the tutalege of engineers and electronics techs who liked me and wanted me to work in their departments. I spent a number of years working for DMX Music in Seattle. It was one of the best jobs I ever had, troubleshooting and repairing an assortment of music platforms. I worked with agreat bunch of people but unfortunately the company moved technical operations out of state and we were all out of a job. I've remaind in the electronics field for the past five or so years after that but now I'm shopping around for whatever is available in my new environs. I've written two novels, one of which was self published back in Feburary of this year.Editing,proofreading,etc., all the while packing up my house and moving from the Pacific Northwest. It's been a wild and strange ride. I'm from the east coast originally (New York) so it will be good to be near family and old freinds. I suppose I've always worked in order to buy time to write.As every struggling author knows this is a difficult juggling act.Although the next novel I intend to publish will be my second it is actually the first I wrote and completed back in 2002. I started it in late 97' after at least 5 or 6 years of not writing (nothing substantial). It started out as practice, getting back into the discipline of writing and I became totally involved in the subject matter.I'll self publish again. Trying to get an agent is like getting turned down by every girl you ask out on a date. That doesn't mean I'll stop trying.
Manchester, New Hampshire
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