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Jul 10, 2006
Real Name
Robin Mork
About My Library
I moved across the country about three and a half years ago, at which time my libarary took an enormous hit, because I could not afford to move more than a couple of boxes of books. I'm also a big advocate of the public library, which has helped me read without going broke ;)

I am just starting to collect vintage or antique books in earnest. Hopefully I will get this updated with details like inscriptions, etc.

My favorite entry in this catalogue is The Book of Lost Tales, not because of its content (although it is very interesting for anyone who likes Tolkien), but because it was a very special gift.
About Me
I love books. I read like a house afire (except that burning houses don't read very much, and actually, I do). I also illustrate children's books (not professionally, yet, but perhaps one day...) I have a floofy cat named Squasha, and live in Cambridge, MA.
Cambridge, MA