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May 11, 2010
About My Library
I am a big bookworm by nature and obsession obviously. I am a lover of books; both by their content and also even just by the way look and are designed. I am bit of a bibliophile in that I love to read, admire, and collect books of many different kinds. I love reading both fiction and non-fiction written works, and enjoy a wide range of book genres.

Some of my particular favorites within fiction is animal fantasy and science-fiction. Within nonfiction I love reading books about religion, especially on neopaganism and shamanism, and about animals and their behavior and biology.
About Me
I see myself as a human with a very spiritual and psychological connection with the wolf and shark, and believe my soul and/or mind is more animal than human as much as a soul or mind can have any described shape or nature. Over the years, I have come to label myself as a wolf and shark therianthrope.

My spirituality can best be summed up as being animistic. My spirituality is mostly my own mix and blend of my own personal beliefs of totemism and shamanic-like beliefs and practices along with a few basic beliefs and practices found in various pagan religions and traditions.

I am an asexual with a gender identity which is very fluid and ever changing.
Arkansas, United States of America
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