Real Name
Margaret Kerr
About Me
Hi, my name is Margaret and I'm 36 years old. I have the reading tastes of a 14 year old a lot. I enjoy a wide variety of books. I'm drawn toward YA, Dystopia, Erotica, GLBT, Paranormal, Romance, and even Chick-Lit from time to time. I will read anything, so don't hesitate to suggest something different.

I've been a blogger and reviewer for almost 10 years. My review style is conversational for my pleasure reading and I try to carry a more professional tone when I've been asked to review a book. If an author wants the more conversational style, all they have to do is ask. I've had my book blog since 2009, but have recently begun expanding beyond posting my book reviews. I've started hosting blog tour stops, author posts, cover reveals, author bios and more.
Upstate NY

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