About My Library
You will find all kinds of books here. Some I endorse whole heartedly; with others I totally disagree. Most of these books are ones that I use or have used in ministry but I plan to add others in the near future. I hope we will all be like the Bereans of Acts and prove all things by His Word.
About Me
Jesus Christ means everything to me. I was taken to church from the earliest age but when I was twelve, my mother took me to a special week night service at our neighborhood church. Even though I was very familar with all the terminology of Christianity, at that service I realized that I did not personally know Jesus Christ. At the conclusion of the service during an invitation I asked my Sunday School teacher to help me. God drew me to Himself and I cried out to Him to forgive my sins and to be Lord of my life. My life has had many ups and downs but the Lord has been with me all the way. His grace is new every day. There is nothing more that I want than to know Jesus Christ, not just to know about Him but to know Him! Just after I was converted I began to read all I could about Him and His church. I obtained a B.A. in religion with a minor in philosophy from Charleston Southern University. I owe so much to Toccoa Falls College in Georgia for the blessings I recieved while I attended there. It was on their campus that I was encouraged to base my ministry on clear personal convictions from the Bible. I also came to appreciate the many and beautiful differences we share as God's children. I have pastored Southern Baptist churches in other parts of my state. Today I am the pastor of a Southern Baptist Church located in a rural area of upstate South Carolina near where I first came to know Him. I am married to a wonderful, godly lady who is the mother of our son and daughter. I pray for people to know Jesus and grow in Him.
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