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Jan 14, 2006
Real Name
About My Library
Public libraries ROCK!
Have also worked in jails and prisons, with young adults, and with Talking Books through LC.
Always came back to . . . public libraries!
About Me
News update on Reed Coats:
Hello to all who are interested in my father's library: I hate to break the news like this, but unfortunately after living with AIDS for many years, Reed had a bout of illness in January and passed away on February 27, 2007. His library was dispersed among family, friends and to an organization that will hopefully benefit from it. I cannot bear to get rid of his library online just yet, so I thought I should at least change his 'profile' and inform folks who have had contact with him in the past.
~Lisa Coats (Daughter and fellow Librarian)

Reed's old profile:
Just retired after nearly 40 years as a librarian in various capacities, most recently as a public library administrator.
Like most folks here, have loved reading since I was wee and have an obsession with books, as the various bookcases in my home attest. Finding this site is a blessing for, try as I might, they haven't been kept in the best order (my apologies to the profession).
Looking forward to playing around here! ...... In fact, I'm having a great time discovering old favorites, books I now want to read, and books I totally forgot I had. This is great!
Alexandria, VA