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Aug 5, 2008
About My Library
It's kinda clustered with the fiction, I'm not tempted to read widely fiction-wise. I have read so many poor fictional books in my life that I tend to rely on authors I know or recommendations. When I do read and like a new fiction work I am always pleasantly surprised.

I am currently reading Falling Man by Don Delillo which was recommended by someone I respect in an online group and though I am grinding my teef at some of the construction I find I am enjoying it. If I don't throw it in the bin at the end (a fate I consign to useless books which don't deserve to be read) , then it will appear on my list when I finish it.

I have put some of my books on today but my hands and keyboard got all dusty- I think it's an autumnal task.

I hate reviewing books. I hate writing.
About Me
I knit, when I don't knit I read. Always have about three or four on the go. I reread a lot. If it's unlikely that I will reread a book I take it back to the shop and insert it on the shelves in it's correct place with a note in the cover saying- this book is free.

I give books away a lot, I also write in em, so nurgh.
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