About My Library
What I own often has been picked up secondhand if I've not already had it for years.

I still have plenty as yet unread - hence the large "Owned but unread" collection which continues to expand as my magpie tendencies outpace my reading.

I'm trying to record what I have read in the past as well, so I add to "Read but Unowned" as Librarything trigger my sometimes unreliable memory.
About Me
I'm male, British, and come from a background where piles of books, books on shelves and books stowed away in boxes were ever-present. I even read some of them too.

That led me at one time into an extended and happy career spell on the fringes of the book business, before I came to the conclusion that I'd "niched" myself out of possible employment in it: both that world and my personal circumstances had changed.

My reading preferences and habits are pretty catholic: I'd love to try to explain them but perhaps you should draw your own conclusions.
Hampshire, UK
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