
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Feb 23, 2011
About My Library
I read my favourite books over and over. The concept of the Apple electronic book is fascinating but not a priority. At present I have started research of the highway quarter mile drags in the late 60's and early 70's and the play could be completed by Christmas. My library is too big and some day I shall separate the effluent from the treasures. The biggest literary surprise was the recent pictures of the secret messages sent prior to Pearl Harbour. FDR knew they were coming. Kudos to Obama for okaying the releases. Funny but I think I would have had to do exactly what FDR did. Yes my library contains a decent collection of WW2 histories. Thats a -30-
About Me
The religion myth studies have been fodder for essays, speeches(local), and thinking. A certain kind of SF is my preference and Robert Silverburg usually. Military history paid the bills for a while and I focus on D Day, Juno Beach and Cdn. post-St. Lo breakthrough. In this century, writing a few histories of the Irish in Emily Township, Ontario has kept mind and fingers busy. I dabble in vent and kids' magic and local drama but not enough to hurt anyone! I love reading but only good books or plays. I do enjoy digging and am good at it which is an asset for long time vegetable gardening. At one time dined out on knowledge of rock music but now find it boring unless it involves the sixties exponents of the Toronto Sound.