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Jun 15, 2015
About My Library
Many of the books in my library were taken from the bibliography of my book.
About Me
You may have found my name as the author of Exploring Your Unplanned Pregnancy:Single Motherhood, Adoption, and Abortion Questions and Resources. I would like you to know that ,in writing it, I found that so many people deeply care about you, a woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Gynecologists, psychiatrists, counselors, nurses, editors, and psychologists showed they care about you by carefully reading my manuscript and making thoughtful suggestions.
The understanding people behind the book’s seventy-eight selected resources welcome a chance to help you. Although they may have various ideas about what you should do, they share a sincere concern for you. Because of them, this book is like the tip of an “iceberg of help” with the resources the extensive part you can’t see at first. You don’t have to experience this unplanned pregnancy alone. Reach out to them.
Books have helped me at turning points in my life. I hope this book will help you. When I think of books that have changed my life, I think of Anne Frank’s diary, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letters from prison, and Robert Frost’s collected poems.
James Baldwin, Lillian Smith, Paul Tillich, Ezra Bayda, Dawna Markova, Geneen Roth, Pema Chodron, Elizabeth Matthis-Namgyel, and Aura Glaser are authors whose thoughts resonated with me at pivotal times in my life. That there thoughts resonated was more important to me than who they were or what kind of credentials they had.
When you read this book, think about whether what I have written rings true to your own experience and thinking. You are exploring to find your own best decision. Amelia Earhart once said that courage was the price that life exacts for granting peace. Have courage and reach out, for you are not alone.
Atlanta, Georgia

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