Annie's Alphabets 2012 (and probably beyond)

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Annie's Alphabets 2012 (and probably beyond)

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Edited: Dec 27, 2011, 3:29 pm

I will be going for a few different ones this time -- yet another attempt to make my reading a bit more varied

1. The novels
2. The Authors
3. The Countries - written by an author from a country or set in the country
4. The short stories
5. The biographies
6. The publishers (not sure I can find enough to fill these but we will see)

No particular order; a book/story can go only in one category.

Dec 27, 2011, 3:28 pm

1. The novels

Dec 27, 2011, 3:28 pm

2. The Authors

Dec 27, 2011, 3:29 pm

3. The Countries - written by an author from a country or set in the country

Dec 27, 2011, 3:29 pm

4. The short stories

Dec 27, 2011, 3:29 pm

5. The biographies

Dec 27, 2011, 3:29 pm

6. The publishers (not sure I can find enough to fill these but we will see)