This doesn't look like a legitimate series

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This doesn't look like a legitimate series

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Nov 12, 2015, 1:22 pm

I am hesitant to monkey about with other people's data (although I realize Common Knowledge is meant to be, well, common) but this looks wonky to me:

I was trying to figure out if the new Karin Slaughter book was part of her ongoing Grant County series, and this is what I found. Any thoughts? Is it OK to remove the series designation on something like this?

Nov 12, 2015, 1:25 pm

Ha ha! Yeah. That's gotta be a complete misunderstanding of how to build a series page. Remove it!

Nov 12, 2015, 1:29 pm

I took care of the BBC French books.

Nov 12, 2015, 1:31 pm

Thank you so much! I've removed the Slaughter book series designation as well. So without any books in it, will the empty series just disappear on its own?

Nov 12, 2015, 1:34 pm

Don't know. Don't care.

Nov 12, 2015, 1:36 pm

I got rid of the "Book 1" series, too.

Series pages are just generated by the URL, so you can make an empty page with any old nonsense if there aren't any books, but the series itself doesn't exist with no books.

That is, I can type in

and get an empty series page, just like you now can with , but neither of them exists as a series.

Nov 12, 2015, 1:37 pm

>6 lorax: Thanks for that explanation, Lorax! I've always wondered. I've been seeing a lot of crummy series data in my own books as I've gotten deeper into cataloguing, and it kind of drives me crazy so I decided to try to learn more about how it all works so I can contribute to making it better.

I'm sure I'll be back with more questions.