Publisher SeriesNew Aspects of Antiquity

Southern Arabia by Brian Doe 20 copies (1668)
Scribes, Warriors and Kings: The City of Copan and the Ancient Maya by William L. Fash 88 copies, 1 review (1707)
Fishbourne: A Roman Palace and Its Garden by Barry Cunliffe 30 copies (1971)
Europe's first monumental sculpture: new discoveries at Lepenski Vir by Dragoslav Srejovic 16 copies (1972)
Was this Camelot?: Excavations at Cadbury Castle, 1966-1970 (New aspects of archaeology) by Leslie Alcock 106 copies, 3 reviews (1972)
Great Zimbabwe by Peter S. Garlake 34 copies (1973)
Vindolanda: A Roman Frontier Post on Hadrian's Wall by Robin Birley 21 copies (1977)
Newgrange: Archaeology, Art, and Legend by Michael J. O'Kelly 89 copies (1982)
Thera: Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean: Excavations at Akrotiri 1967-1979 by Christos G. Doumas 53 copies (1983)
The Mimbres people : ancient Pueblo painters of the American Southwest by Steven A. LeBlanc 18 copies (1983)
Tula: The Toltec Capital of Ancient Mexico by Richard A. Diehl 15 copies, 1 review (1983)
Chalcatzingo: Excavations on the Olmec Frontier by David C. Grove 24 copies (1984)
Sweet Track to Glastonbury: Somerset Levels in Prehistory by Bryony Coles 19 copies (1986)
Athenian Agora: Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens by John McK Camp 120 copies, 1 review (1986)
Knowth and the Passage Tombs of Ireland by George Eogan 31 copies (1986)
The Great Temple of the Aztecs: Treasures of Tenochtitlan by Eduardo Matos Moctezuma 51 copies (1988)
The Henge Monuments: Ceremony and Society in Prehistoric Britain by Geoffrey Wainwright 30 copies (1990)
Paestum: Greek and Romans in Southern Italy by John Griffiths Pedley 27 copies (1990)
The Hidden Tombs of Memphis: New Discoveries from the Time of Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great by Geoffrey Thorndike Martin 72 copies (1991)
Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture by Richard H. Wilkinson 332 copies, 4 reviews (1992)
Zapotec Civilization: How Urban Society Evolved in Mexico's Oaxaca Valley by Joyce Marcus 25 copies (1996)
Abydos: Egypt's First Pharaohs and the Cult of Osiris by David B. O'Connor 89 copies (2009)
The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and Its People by Barry J. Kemp 70 copies, 1 review (2012)

