Publisher SeriesOxford English Monographs

Þorgils Saga ok Hafliða by Oddason Thorgils 1 copy
The Old English Apollonius of Tyre by Peter Goolden 1 copy
Sir Orfeo by Anonymous 55 copies, 1 review (1330)
The Boke of St Albans by Juliana Berners 19 copies (1881)
Elizabethan acting by Bertram Leon Joseph 5 copies (1951)
The Peterborough Chronicle, 1070-1154; by Cecily Clark 11 copies, 1 review (1958)
The Sonnets of William Alabaster by William Alabaster 5 copies (1959)
Viga-glums Saga by J. McKinnell 38 copies (1960)
Jane Austen's literary manuscripts : a study of the novelist's development through the surviving papers by Brian Southam 15 copies (1964)
English criticism of the novel, 1865-1900 by George Kenneth Graham 7 copies (1965)
The remains of Sir Fulk Grevill lord Brooke : being poems of monarchy and religion: never before printed by Baron Brooke Fulke Greville 5 copies (1965)
Defoe and the Nature of Man by Maximillian E. Novak 2 copies (1965)
A Glastonbury miscellany of the fifteenth century: a descriptive index of Trinity College, Cambridge, MS.O.9.38 by A. G. Rigg 7 copies (1968)
Jack Upland, Friar Daw's Reply AND Upland's Rejoinder (Oxford English monographs) by P. L. Heyworth 10 copies, 1 review (1968)
Isaac D'Israeli by James Ogden 5 copies (1969)
The Development of Milton's Prose Style by Thomas N. Corns 2 copies (1982)
Richard Baxter: Puritan Man of Letters by N. H. Keeble 14 copies (1982)
The Cave of Making: The Poetry of Louis MacNeice by Robyn Marsack 3 copies (1982)
The Social Mission of English Criticism, 1848-1932 by Chris Baldick 6 copies (1983)
Coleridge, Wordsworth and the Language of Allusion by Lucy Newlyn 11 copies (1986)
The Savage and the City in the Work of T.S. Eliot by Robert Crawford 9 copies (1987)
Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Radical Years by Nicholas Roe 15 copies (1988)
Samuel Johnson and Eighteenth-Century Thought (Oxford English Monographs) by Nicholas Hudson 7 copies (1988)
Coleridge and the Friend, 1809-1810 (Oxford English Monographs) by Deirdre Coleman 2 copies (1988)
Ruskin's Myths by Dinah Birch 3 copies (1988)
The Third Programme: A Literary History (Oxford English Monographs) by Kate Whitehead 2 copies (1989)
Thomas Nashe in context by Lorna Hutson 4 copies (1989)
Young Coleridge and the philosophers of nature by Ian Wylie 3 copies (1989)
Melodious Tears: The English Funeral Elegy from Spenser to Milton (Oxford English Monographs) by Dennis Kay 3 copies (1990)
The Dragon and the Dove: The Plays of Thomas Dekker (Oxford English Monographs) by Julia Gasper 3 copies (1990)
The Genesis of a Saga Narrative: Verse and Prose in Kormaks Saga by Heather O'Donoghue 1 copy (1991)
Louis MacNeice : the poet in his contexts by Peter McDonald 1 copy (1991)
Joseph Conrad and the Modern Temper (Oxford English Monographs) by Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan 3 copies (1991)
The Tremulous Hand of Worcester: A Study of Old English in the Thirteenth Century by Christine Franzen 8 copies (1991)
Milton's History of Britain: Republican Historiography in the English Revolution (Oxford English Monographs) by Nicholas von Maltzahn 2 copies (1991)
Edwardian Poetry (Oxford English Monographs) by Kenneth Millard 4 copies (1991)
The Joycean Labyrinth: Repetition, Time, and Tradition in Ulysses (Oxford English Monographs) by Udaya Kumar 4 copies (1991)
To circumjack MacDiarmid : the poetry and prose of Hugh MacDiarmid by W. N. Herbert 2 copies (1992)
The Godwinian novel : the rational fictions of Godwin, Brockden Brown, Mary Shelley by Pamela Clemit 2 copies (1993)
A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Wisdom in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry by Carolyne Larrington 3 copies (1993)
Shelley and Scripture: The Interpreting Angel (Oxford English Monographs) by Bryan Shelley 1 copy (1994)
Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction by Fiona Robertson 3 copies (1994)
Radical satire and print culture, 1790-1822 by Marcus Wood 5 copies (1994)
Acting Between the Lines: The Field Day Theatre Company and Irish Cultural Politics, 1980-1984 by marilynn j. richtarik 4 copies (1995)
Joseph Conrad and the Anthropological Dilemma: 'Bewildered Traveller' (Oxford English Monographs) by John W. Griffith 2 copies (1995)
Shakespeare and the Constant Romans by Geoffrey Miles 2 copies (1996)
Revising Wilde Society and Subversion in the Plays of Oscar Wilde (Oxford English Monographs) by Sos Eltis 3 copies (1996)
Society and Politics in the Plays of Thomas Middleton by swapan chakravorty 4 copies (1996)
Self As Narrative: Subjectivity and Community in Contemporary Fiction by Kim L. Worthington 1 copy (1996)
The Medieval Siege: Theme and Image in Middle English Romance by Malcolm Hebron 3 copies (1997)
Elizabethan Fictions: Espionage, Counter-espionage, and the Duplicity of Fiction in Early Elizabethan Prose Narratives: Espionage, Counter-espionage and ... Prose Narratives (Oxford English Monographs) by R. W. Maslen 5 copies (1997)
Late Shakespeare: A New World of Words (Oxford English Monographs) by Simon Palfrey 14 copies (1997)
Proportional Form in the Sonnets of the Sidney Circle: Loving in Truth by Tom W. N. Parker 6 copies, 1 review (1998)
Authorship and Appropriation: Writing for the Stage in England, 1660-1710 by Paulina Kewes 7 copies (1998)
john donne's articulations of the feminine by H. L. Meakin 5 copies (1998)
Hazlitt and the Reach of Sense: Criticism, Morals, and the Metaphysics of Power by Uttara Natarajan 3 copies (1998)
Coleridge and the uses of division by Seamus Perry 2 copies (1999)
democratizing sir thomas browne: "religio medici" and its imitations by Daniela Havenstein 3 copies (1999)
The making of Percy's Reliques by Nick Groom 5 copies (1999)
Conrad and Women by Susan Jones 5 copies (1999)
Sylvia Plath and the Theatre of Mourning by Christina Britzolakis 4 copies (1999)
The "Shepheard's Nation": Jacobean Spenserians and Early Stuart Political Culture 1612-1625 (Oxford English Monographs) by Michelle O'Callaghan 1 copy (2000)
The Faerie Queene and Middle English Romance: The Matter of Just Memory by Andrew King 3 copies (2000)
The Representation of Bodily Pain in Late Nineteenth-Century English Culture] by Lucy Bending 3 copies (2000)
Rereading the Imperial Romance: British Imperialism and South African Resistance in Haggard, Schreiner and Plaatje by Laura Chrisman 1 copy (2000)
H.D. and the Public Sphere of Modernist Women Writers 1913-1946: Talking Women by Georgina Taylor 2 copies (2001)
Memories of a Lost War: American Poetic Responses to the Vietnam War by Subarno Chattarji 5 copies (2001)
Ireland and Scotland: Literature and Culture, State and Nation, 1966-2000 by Ray Ryan 2 copies (2002)
Women, Writing, and Fetishism 1890-1950: Female Cross-Gendering by Clare L. Taylor 3 copies (2003)
The English Radical Imagination: Culture, Religion, and Revolution, 1630-1660 (Oxford English Monographs) by Nicholas McDowell 5 copies (2003)
The Irish Literary Periodical 1923-1958 (Oxford English Monographs) by Frank Shovlin 4 copies (2004)
Robert Frost and Northern Irish poetry by Rachel Buxton 3 copies (2004)
Primitivism, Science, and the Irish Revival by Sinead Garrigan Mattar 3 copies (2004)
Late-Medieval Prison Writing and the Politics of Autobiography by Joanna Summers 8 copies (2004)
The awkward age : girls in the transition to womanhood in women's popular fiction, 1850-1900 by Sarah Bilston 3 copies (2004)
Royalist Women Writers, 1650-1689 by Hero Chalmers 3 copies (2004)
John Lydgate's Fall of Princes: Narrative Tragedy in its Literary and Political Contexts by Nigel Mortimer 3 copies (2005)
Boys in Khaki, Girls in Print: Women's Literary Responses to the Great War 1914-1918 by Jane Potter 13 copies, 1 review (2005)
The Holy Land in English Culture 1799-1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism by Eitan Bar-Yosef 5 copies (2005)
John Skelton and Poetic Authority: Defining the Liberty to Speak by Jane Griffiths 3 copies (2006)
Fictions of Authorship in Late Elizabethan Narratives: Euphues in Arcadia by Katharine Wilson 7 copies (2006)
Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart (Oxford English Monographs) by Kirstie Blair 3 copies (2006)
Print Culture and the Medieval Author: Chaucer, Lydgate, and Their Books 1473-1557 by Alexandra Gillespie 13 copies (2006)
Chaucerian Conflict: Languages of Antagonism in Late Fourteenth-Century London by Marion Turner 7 copies (2006)
Texts and Traditions: Religion in Shakespeare 1592-1604 by Beatrice Groves 7 copies (2006)
South Asian writers in twentieth-century Britain : culture in translation by Ruvani Ranasinha 2 copies (2007)
Fuseli's Milton Gallery: 'Turning Readers into Spectators' (Oxford English Monographs) by Luisa Calè 3 copies (2007)
The suffering traveller and the Romantic imagination by Carl Thompson 6 copies (2007)
Coleridge and Scepticism by Benjamin Brice 6 copies (2007)
Lordship and Literature: John Gower and the Politics of the Great Household by Elliot Kendall 8 copies (2008)
On Sympathy (Oxford English Monographs) by Sophie Ratcliffe 27 copies (2008)
Clarissa's Painter: Portraiture, Illustration, and Representation in the Novels of Samuel Richardson by Lynn Shepherd 4 copies (2009)
Descartes and the Puzzle of Sensory Representation by Raffaella De Rosa 18 copies (2010)
Conrad and History (Oxford English Monographs) by Richard Niland 3 copies (2010)
Stevie Smith and Authorship by William May 2 copies (2010)
J.M. Coetzee and the novel : writing and politics after Beckett by Patrick Hayes 6 copies (2010)
Defending Poetry: Art and Ethics in Joseph Brodsky, Seamus Heaney, and Geoffrey Hill (Oxford English Monographs) by David-Antoine Williams 3 copies (2010)
W.B. Yeats, the Abbey Theatre, Censorship, and the Irish State: Adding the Half-pence to the Pence (Oxford English Monographs) by Lauren Arrington 5 copies (2010)
Women's Authorship and Editorship in Victorian Culture: Sensational Strategies (Oxford English Monographs) by Beth Palmer 5 copies (2011)
Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Play by Thomas Karshan 2 copies (2011)
Modernism and the Museum: Asian, African, and Pacific Art and the London Avant-Garde by Rupert Richard Arrowsmith 2 copies (2011)
Writing the Lives of Painters: Biography and Artistic Identity in Britain 1760-1810 (Oxford English Monographs) by Karen Junod 1 copy (2011)
Chaucer and Italian Textuality by K. P. Clarke 5 copies (2011)
'Strandentwining cable': Joyce, Flaubert, and intertextuality by Scarlett Baron 2 copies (2011)
Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Rhetoric of Rewriting: 'Turning the Word' (Oxford English Monographs) by Chris Stamatakis 6 copies (2012)
Conscience and the Composition of Piers Plowman by Sarah Wood 4 copies (2012)
Reforming Printing: Syon Abbey's Defence of Orthodoxy 1525-1534 by Alexandra Da Costa 5 copies (2012)
The Literary Underground in the 1660s: Andrew Marvell, George Wither, Ralph Wallis, and the World of Restoration Satire and Pamphleteering (Oxford English Monographs) by Stephen Bardle 3 copies (2012)
The Poet's Mind: The Psychology of Victorian Poetry 1830-1870 by Gregory Tate 4 copies (2012)
Modernism and the Rhythms of Sympathy: Vernon Lee, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence (Oxford English Monographs) by Kirsty Martin 4 copies (2013)
Forms of Engagement: Women, Poetry and Culture 1640-1680 (Oxford English Monographs) by Elizabeth Scott-Baumann 3 copies (2013)
Shakespeare's Unreformed Fictions (Oxford English Monographs) by Gillian Woods 5 copies (2013)
The Majesty of the People: Popular Sovereignty and the Role of the Writer in the 1790s (Oxford English Monographs) by Georgina Green 3 copies (2014)
Visionary Philology: Geoffrey Hill and the Study of Words (Oxford English Monographs) by Matthew Sperling 5 copies (2014)
Committed Styles: Modernism, Politics, and Left-Wing Literature in the 1930s (Oxford English Monographs) by Benjamin Kohlmann 2 copies (2014)
Louis MacNeice and the Irish poetry of his time by Tom Walker 5 copies (2015)
The poetics of commemoration : Skaldic verse and social memory, c. 890-1070 by Erin Michelle Goeres 2 copies (2015)
The Antiquary: John Aubrey's Historical Scholarship (Oxford English Monographs) by Kelsey Jackson Williams 1 copy (2016)
Divine cartographies : God, history and Poiesis in W.B. Yeats, David Jones, and T.S. Eliot. by W. David Soud 3 copies (2016)
Shakespeare's women and the Fin de Siècle by Sophie Duncan 5 copies (2016)
Nabokov and his books : between late modernism and the literary marketplace by Duncan White 8 copies (2017)
Unperfect histories : the mirror for magistrates, 1559-1610 by Harriet Archer 5 copies (2017)
James Joyce and the Phenomenology of Film (Oxford English Monographs) by Cleo Hanaway-Oakley 4 copies (2017)
Literature and Party Politics at the Accession of Queen Anne (Oxford English Monographs) by Joseph Hone 2 copies (2017)
Wordsworth's Monastic Inheritance: Poetry, Place, and the Sense of Community (Oxford English Monographs) by Jessica Fay 2 copies (2018)

DescriptionsEdit Descriptions

Produced by Oxford University Press early volumes mixed scholarly editions with literary criticism. There was a long gap between 15 (1975) and 16 (1982), the revived series is almost entirely confined to academic literary criticism. The volumes are not numbered and after number 18 they may require adjustment. (English, Unclassified)

