Bug Tracking (go to group page)

Join or watch Bug Collectors to get "Bug Tracking" under "The World" in Talk all the time. Find out more about Bug Tracking


Reported (358)
Deferred (218)
Fixed (2801)
Verified (57)
Dormant (1273)
Outstanding (358) – Reported/Reopened
All (8406)

Active bugs

APIs (7)
Awards (2)
Covers (47)
Groups (3)
iOS App (20)
Lists (5)
Memory (0)
Other (45)
Series (11)
Tags (41)
TinyCat (14)
Typos (1)
Widgets (18)

Unassigned (1047)

Active bugs shown.
Broken sources not shown in active tallies.
GroupGroupTopicTopicMessagesLast MessageLast Change 
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