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A House in the Woods by Inga Moore

A House in the Woods (edition 2011)

by Inga Moore (Author)

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Two Little Pigs whose small homes in the woods have been accidentally destroyed by Bear and Moose decide to build a house they can all share, and with the help of Beaver Builders they soon have a fine new home.
Title:A House in the Woods
Authors:Inga Moore (Author)
Info:Candlewick (2011), 48 pages
Collections:Your library

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A House in the Woods by Inga Moore


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Recommended by Lauren B.

A tale of happy cooperation in the forest: two little pigs make two little houses, but when a moose and a bear (respectively) try to move in, the houses collapse. The four of them decide to build a house big enough for all of them, and enlist the help of a team of beaver builders, who ask to be paid in peanut butter sandwiches.

Gently funny, with many full-page illustrations and some on a white background. The art captures the sense of being in a forest, but not a dark and scary one; light filters in. ( )
  JennyArch | Oct 17, 2018 |
A story of two pigs, a bear and a moose- great friends, but the big ones accidently break the little ones’ homes. They work together to build a house big enough for all of them (with the help of the beavers).

The illustrations in this book are wrought with detail. They are mixed media, and if you study them long enough you can find hidden treasures.
  LiletteReaves | Dec 4, 2016 |
Pretty lame, unfortunately. I love the early illustrations, especially the spread w/ the text: One morning the two Little Pigs went out walking together. One Little Pig found a feather, and the other found an interesting stick." From that I feel as if I've been promised a quiet story, one about the inner lives of the characters. But no.

Before we know it, we have these little pink pigs walking around like people, making friends with Moose, Bear, and a whole clan of Beavers in hard hats. Together they hustle and bustle and build a house suitable for people, then equip it from a people shaped junkyard and general store. But the pictures aren't playful - they're still subtle, muted, atmospheric. Gee, might as well put Donald Duck's shirt and Mickey Mouse's shorts on them and be done with it.

The concept of friends building a house together is lovely, though, so I can't bring my rating any lower...." ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
36 months - Beautiful illustrations and a cute story. Unfortunately it's not likely the most memorable book but we read it a number of times and enjoyed it. ( )
  maddiemoof | Oct 20, 2015 |
It's not that the story is all that extraordinary, but the illustrations most certainly are. They're beautiful and full of humor and character. Would I love to live in that house as well ... ( )
  Fjola | Apr 23, 2015 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Inga Mooreprimary authorall editionscalculated
Salmi, PauliTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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Two Little Pigs whose small homes in the woods have been accidentally destroyed by Bear and Moose decide to build a house they can all share, and with the help of Beaver Builders they soon have a fine new home.

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