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Peter Pan (Illustrated): The 1911 Classic…

Peter Pan (Illustrated): The 1911 Classic Edition with Original Illustrations (edition 2023)

by J. M. Barrie (Author)

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Peter Pan teaches Wendy and her brothers to fly to Never-Never Land, where they share some exciting adventures with Indians and pirates.
Title:Peter Pan (Illustrated): The 1911 Classic Edition with Original Illustrations
Authors:J. M. Barrie (Author)
Info:Sky Publishing (2023), 154 pages
Collections:Your library

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Peter Pan (Illustrated): The 1911 Classic Edition with Original Illustrations by J. M. Barrie


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Originally published in 1911 as Peter and Wendy, this classic children's novel follows the adventures of a mischievous young boy named Peter Pan. Refusing to grow up, Peter lives in the magical world of Neverland with pirates, fairies, and mermaids. With the help of the Lost Boys and the Darling children, Peter bravely battles the evil Captain Hook and his pirate crew in an endless chase around the magical island. This timeless tale of imagination, adventure, and friendship has captured the hearts of generations and remains a beloved classic to this day. The imaginative and enchanted world of Peter Pan calls readers of all ages on an unforgettable adventure that will teach them how to embrace their inner child and never stop dreaming. ( )
  LynneQuan | Jul 17, 2024 |
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Peter Pan teaches Wendy and her brothers to fly to Never-Never Land, where they share some exciting adventures with Indians and pirates.

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