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Crossing Centuries: The New Generation In Russian Poetry

by John High

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Poetry. Edited by John High and Vitaly Chernetsky, Thomas Epstein, Lyn Hejinian, Patrick Henry, Gerald Janecek, and Laura Weeks, this anthology traces the course of Russian poetry at perhaps its most crucial moment since the early nineteenth century. CROSSING CENTURIES focuses on transformations in Russian poetry in the last fifty years, with particular attention to the Brezhnev and Gorbachev years and the profound changes in language and values that followed the collapse of the Soviet regime. Translations are by some of the foremost Russian-English translators and distinguished poets of our time; most were prepared especially for this volume. Featuring Nina Iskrenko, Ivan Zhdanov, Arkady Dragomoschenko, Alexei Parshchikov, Mark Shatunovsky, and many others.… (more)

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Poetry. Edited by John High and Vitaly Chernetsky, Thomas Epstein, Lyn Hejinian, Patrick Henry, Gerald Janecek, and Laura Weeks, this anthology traces the course of Russian poetry at perhaps its most crucial moment since the early nineteenth century. CROSSING CENTURIES focuses on transformations in Russian poetry in the last fifty years, with particular attention to the Brezhnev and Gorbachev years and the profound changes in language and values that followed the collapse of the Soviet regime. Translations are by some of the foremost Russian-English translators and distinguished poets of our time; most were prepared especially for this volume. Featuring Nina Iskrenko, Ivan Zhdanov, Arkady Dragomoschenko, Alexei Parshchikov, Mark Shatunovsky, and many others.

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