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Wear Your Chair: When Fashion Meets Interior Design

by Judith Griffin, Penny Collins

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Wear Your Chair was originally developed as a multidisciplinary design course by Griffin and Collins, chairs of fashion design and interior design departments. Realising that students were visual learners, they saw the necessity of teaching students to be aware of design in its many forms and applications. They envisioned a course that would appeal to a variety of design majors. The book draws upon the many historic precedents of designers overlapping several design principles, such as Paul Poiret who designed clothing, furniture and textiles. The ultimate goal of this text will be to increase students' understanding of the significant, subtle, and often subconscious roles that apparel and interior design play in our lives.… (more)

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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Judith Griffinprimary authorall editionscalculated
Collins, Pennymain authorall editionsconfirmed
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Wear Your Chair was originally developed as a multidisciplinary design course by Griffin and Collins, chairs of fashion design and interior design departments. Realising that students were visual learners, they saw the necessity of teaching students to be aware of design in its many forms and applications. They envisioned a course that would appeal to a variety of design majors. The book draws upon the many historic precedents of designers overlapping several design principles, such as Paul Poiret who designed clothing, furniture and textiles. The ultimate goal of this text will be to increase students' understanding of the significant, subtle, and often subconscious roles that apparel and interior design play in our lives.

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