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Rosalyn Eves

Author of Blood Rose Rebellion

8+ Works 653 Members 26 Reviews


Works by Rosalyn Eves

Blood Rose Rebellion (2017) 449 copies
Lost Crow Conspiracy (2018) 103 copies
Winter War Awakening (2019) 45 copies
An Improbable Season (2023) 26 copies
Beyond the Mapped Stars (2021) 22 copies
Horses, Hounds, & Happily Ever After (2022) — Author — 4 copies

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

20th Century
Places of residence
Cedar City, Utah, USA
Brigham Young University (BA|2001)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Southern Utah University
Josh Adams
Short biography
Rosalyn Eves grew up in the Rocky Mountains, dividing her time between reading books and bossing her siblings into performing her dramatic scripts. Now that she is an adult, the telling and reading of stories are still two of her favorite things to do. When she's is not reading, writing, or teaching writing at Southern Utah University, she enjoys spending time with her chemistry professor husband and their three children, watching British period pieces, and hiking. [adapted from An Improbable Season, 2023)



I gave this book 3.5 stars.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved the historical fiction elements mixed with magic. I loved how she tackled also race and female roles in society and also prejudice. I various magic systems were the coolest part of this novel. I also enjoyed the various setting that we went to in this novel. I thought the story towards the middle did slow down and did get lost in some of the details. But i was really engaged by the lead. I am excited to see what book two brings.
lmauro123 | 18 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
I gave this book 3.5 stars.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved the historical fiction elements mixed with magic. I loved how she tackled also race and female roles in society and also prejudice. I various magic systems were the coolest part of this novel. I also enjoyed the various setting that we went to in this novel. I thought the story towards the middle did slow down and did get lost in some of the details. But i was really engaged by the lead. I am excited to see what book two brings.
lmauro123 | 18 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
This read at a leisurely pace for me. That's not a criticism, but an observation. Said pace allows you to get to know each girl that much better. All three are unique and have minor demons sitting upon their shoulders. My favorite is Charis, clearly born in the wrong era and marching to a drummer people in her time find shocking. By the end of the book, I had the following lyrics by the Stones echoing through my mind: "You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you'll find
You get what you need."
And this is what happens so nicely by the time one closes the book.
… (more)
sennebec | May 19, 2023 |
BEYOND the MAPPED STARS. Oh my god. This book started getting really interesting towards the middle and there would be time when I didn’t want to stop reading it because it was so interesting to me. It completely surprised me because I didn’t know a book could get so interesting. It managed to bypass my expectations I had while I was reading it and came to be really nothing at all like I was expecting.

Let me apologize. I might sound really intrigued at points in the review, I can’t help it. I am completely shocked. The novel is very similar to Where I Belong, with its perspective of finding your place in the world, not to mention a lot of traveling. The finding where you belong is so full that it’s almost like Elizabeth was traveling all over trying to find where she belonged and then wrote it all down.

The determination and hope in this novel is heavy. Elizabeth doesn’t have many rules to follow, but many times she doesn’t get to go places if she breaks a rule. Elizabeth’s slogan of (Follow your Dreams) is very meaningful. Following your dreams is look upon and could lead to being labeled as determined. I can’t help but remembering always wondering why the title is a man named dave. I am familiar with the idea of The Lost Boy and found myself wondering why that wasn’t the name of the book. In the novel, they don’t know what they’re supposed to do with the boy because they don’t know if the boy has a home or not. It could have very easily been A Man Named Dave. In my opinion that makes the title of the novel a lot more powerful. Something that was as simple as figuring out what to do with a boy they have found is very unknown to the people that have found him. The people have to believe what they’re told to do with the boy. They don’t get a right to know what to do with the boy. Knowledge is very necessary. But according to The Lost Boy. self preservation is strength.

A Man Named Dave is written in present tense and has big paragraphs of triumph, inspiration, and young generations. Those things usually distant me from the novel and the characters, but Eves kept me fully interested in the novel. She keeps talking in circles and the ideas are repeated but it’s very interesting, nonetheless. I have to admit that I got distracted a lot while I was reading this novel, but I became very intrigued by the setting of the novel. At some points of the novel it seems the only way to experience the emotions of the characters is through a character telling the stoey through their eyes. This is very much the case in this novel, as it was written in first person; yet, Pelzer never failed to impact me by his feelings. David always makes sure that readers never feel distant from the events that are happening around them, except for the beginning of the novel when Pelzer is just starting to become awakened to telling the story. I gained a very strong attachment to Pelzer and thrived on listening to the story he is telling. I am now a full time member of the Overthinking Police, hearing everything, feeling everything, seeing everything and last but definitely not least, (the thing that the Overthinking Police are not allowed to do) which is questioning everything.

The main and recurring message of this novel is about following your dreams and preservation. One, censorship, is always limited and limited exposure to the ideas of the world; the other, preservation, is brought upon for following certain dreams. Both can be extremely helpful.

Inside A Man Named Dave, he demonstrates the perks of taking in an abandoned child by showing how the party completely rewrote the impacts of taking in an abandoned child by telling a story of a man who took in an abandoned child. We also spend a lot of time with Pelzer in the preservation of kindness, where following your dreams and preservation take place. People who commit overthinkingcrime are tortured until they grow to love and obey A Man Named Dave and serve only the interests of Pelzer.

When reading this novel I almost didn’t know what to think about it. I’m really not sure that my brain still works correctly, or if it ever worked right at all. This novel has a way of making you think that you know exactly what you believe about everything and then making you question whether you should believe anything at all about anything or not. It’s really the strangest thing. Hmmm. Doublethink? maybe. Maybe not.

However, I think everyone needs to read The Lost Boy. You need to be in the mood to read it, though. It’s definitely all worth it in the end though. The novel is absolutely incredible and I loved it. I don’t like to re-read novels but this novel will definitely be one of them that I do re-read. It’s a pretty easy read, but more blantly, it is a major MUST read.

I recommend the novel “Beyond The Mapped Stars” because it is about how a young girl is following her dreams to becoming an astronomer, but if you don’t want to get somewhere in life or you don’t think your dreams could be real then I wouldn’t recommend this novel to you, so if you like bring positivity to your life then this is the book for you.
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Sierrra315 | 1 other review | Apr 28, 2023 |


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