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About Me
As a producer/director, writer, traveler, sailor, I am a documentary film maker working on films about archaeology, culture, history, anthropology, science and the environment. I have a blog that reflects my interest in a wide variety of subjects including spirituality and Asian history and culture. Currently working on a program featuring maritime Archaeologists and explorers, Hans and Roze Berekoven and their discovery of the HMS Viscount Melbourne as well as their search for an Ice-Aged civilization on the Sunda Self in Southeast Asia. Worked on a number of projects with Geo newmedia in collaboration with the Western Australian Marine Science Institution and a film about the 'Red Villages' in Thailand. My blog can be found at and website is
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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Bookstores: Astrolabe Books, Cracked and Spineless New and Used Books (Imperial Bookshop), Deja Vu Books, Ellison Hawker Bookshop, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Shop, The Hobart Bookshop, Tolhurst Downunder Bookshop

Libraries: Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts, LINC Tasmania, State Library of Tasmania, State Library of Tasmania (History Room), State Library of Tasmania (Hobart Reading Room)

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