About My Library
Lately a lot of fantasy, especially epic and series based, some sci-fi, a bit of thriller/crime/courtroom dramas, historical fiction, contemporary fiction (whatever that means), classical fiction (love those period dramas), pretty much everything.

As for non-fiction, anything that discusses problems in the world and ways to fix those problems - we don't live in paradise, but problems are all that separate us from that utopia, and in non-fiction works we will learn both more obstacles and ways of removing them.
About Me
Someone who thinks that love of reading needs to be a virus that infects everyone on the planet, sad that some escape life without having ever having caught "the reading bug." I can't say in all honesty that if I were the only person on the planet for eternity, that as long as I had an endless supply of books that I would be anything but contented, perhaps even elated.

Books are something we should be encouraging people to read, starting with children, instilling in them a love of escape within the pages of fiction or a love of the expanded knowledge within the pages of non-fiction. We tell children stories, and they love hearing them, we read to them and they love this time, but at some point many of those children who love stories and reading lose this time spent in utter joy in life, and that has to be one of the saddest and most disappointing things about life, that we have allowed this to happen is utterly heinous.

I'm lucky, I love reading at core, have always loved it, have always adored books and felt such adoration of libraries and bookstores, but not everyone is as fortunate as me. I never had to work at it, I just fell into it, others have strayed from it, and for them I feel sad. For me, I feel joyous that we have so many books out there, and I want to read each and every one of them.
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